Need to create csv file from script output on mysql database

  • Please help me.  I'm don't have that much sql experience but I was able to write the scripts below to extract the data i need.  Now I need a job that is scheduled to run daily to take the scripts below, convert the data into a csv flat file format and put the file on a network share.  I have been really unsuccessful in getting anyone in my company to assist because it's coming from a mysql database.  Everyone keeps telling me this is easy.  Please help me. I have a project on hold because of this......

    /*Shows card activity for all sox doors ie...past admin and break areas updated 2/12/07* and need to run at 11:59:00 daily*/

    Select DISTINCT lastname,firstname, cards.cardid, cards.usertext14, cards.usertext10,

    events.cardholder, events.eventdescription, events.eventLocation, events.eventdate

    from Cards, accesslevels, events , cardAccessLevels

    where cards.cardid = cardaccesslevels.cardid

    and Cards.Cardnumber = Events.cardnumber

    and cards.expiredate > getdate()

    and events.EventDate > CONVERT(DateTime, convert(varchar(20),GETDATE(),101))

    and (CardAccessLevels.AccessLevelID = '0' /*Telco All */

    or CardAccessLevels.AccessLevelID = '5' /* ECC */

    or CardAccessLevels.AccessLevelID = '7' /* Telco MDF – BellSouth Side */

    or CardAccessLevels.AccessLevelID = '12' /* Media Storage Room */

    or CardAccessLevels.AccessLevelID ='13' /* Receiving to Chiller Room */

    or CardAccessLevels.AccessLevelID ='15' /* Service Yard to Generator Room */

    or CardAccessLevels.AccessLevelID = '17' /* Door 121 ECC to RF */

    or CardAccessLevels.AccessLevelID = '18' /* Door 122B War Room to RF */

    or CardAccessLevels.AccessLevelID = '20' /* IT Lab Core Management */

    or CardAccessLevels.AccessLevelID ='21' /* Prod RF from Vestibule */

    or CardAccessLevels.AccessLevelID = '22' /* Prod RF North */

    or CardAccessLevels.AccessLevelID = '23' /* IT Lab */

    or CardAccessLevels.AccessLevelID = '25' /* Production Raised Floor */

    or CardAccessLevels.AccessLevelID = '26' /* Battery Rooms */

    or CardAccessLevels.AccessLevelID = '27' /* UPS Rooms */)

    order by lastname




    Select DISTINCT lastname,firstname, cards.cardid, cards.usertext14,


    from Cards, cardaccesslevels, readers,cardinfo

    where cards.cardid = cardaccesslevels.cardid

    and cards.expiredate > getdate ()

    and cards.cardID = cardInfo.cardid

    and (CardAccessLevels.AccessLevelID = '0' /*Telco All */

    or CardAccessLevels.AccessLevelID = '1' /* Master */

    or CardAccessLevels.AccessLevelID = '2' /* Leadership Group Under Greg Satusky */

    or CardAccessLevels.AccessLevelID = '5' /* ECC */

    or CardAccessLevels.AccessLevelID = '7' /* Telco MDF – BellSouth Side */

    or CardAccessLevels.AccessLevelID = '12' /* Media Storage Room */

    or CardAccessLevels.AccessLevelID ='13' /* Receiving to Chiller Room */

    or CardAccessLevels.AccessLevelID ='15' /* Service Yard to Generator Room */

    or CardAccessLevels.AccessLevelID = '17' /* Door 121 ECC to RF */

    or CardAccessLevels.AccessLevelID = '18' /* Door 122B War Room to RF */

    or CardAccessLevels.AccessLevelID = '20' /* IT Lab Core Management */

    or CardAccessLevels.AccessLevelID ='21' /* Prod RF from Vestibule */

    or CardAccessLevels.AccessLevelID = '22' /* Prod RF North */

    or CardAccessLevels.AccessLevelID = '23' /* IT Lab */

    or CardAccessLevels.AccessLevelID = '25' /* Production Raised Floor */

    or CardAccessLevels.AccessLevelID = '26' /* Battery Rooms */

    or CardAccessLevels.AccessLevelID = '27' /* UPS Rooms */

    or CardAccessLevels.AccessLevelID = '28' /* David Hart  Build Out Crew */)

    order by lastname



  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Follow the instruction below:

    1. Open DTS designer in the Enterprise Manager.
    2. Create a connection using Other Connection. This is your source database - MySQL database. For this you need to create an ODBC connection in advance through Control Panel>Administrative Tool. Say this is "Connection 1".
    3. Create a connection using Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server. This is your target datbase - SQL database. Say this is "Connection 2".
    4. Create an Execute SQL Task as below:

    Enter description "Initialise". Select "Connection 2" for Existing connection. Enter the following script for SQL statement. This script will drop and create the SQL target tables.

    -- Drop and create 2 SQL target tables that you need. This is my sample table. you should create your own tables.

    if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[MySQLTable]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)

    drop table [dbo].[MySQLTable]

    -- This is my sample table. you should create your own table

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[MySQLTable] (

     [personid] [int] NOT NULL ,

     [ingproduct] [varchar] (255) NOT NULL ,

     [companyid] [int] NULL ,

     [townname] [varchar] (50) NULL ,

     [Customer] [varchar] (101) NULL ,

     [address1] [varchar] (50) NULL ,

     [address2] [varchar] (50) NULL ,

     [city] [varchar] (20) NOT NULL ,

     [state] [varchar] (4) NOT NULL ,

     [Postcode] [varchar] (4) NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    4. Create a Transform Data Task. The command is under task.

    • In Transform Data Task Property, select source tab.
    • Select SQL query option.
    • Click Build Query button.
    • Define the tables first in the txet box using Select *. Then you can tick all the required columns later.
    • After complete click OK. You may add DISTINCT clause at this time as well. This means you can edit the text box.
    • Select Destination tab.
    • Select the corresponding target table. At this stage, either you already have created the empty target table or click Create button to create a new table.
    • Select Transformations tab.
    • You will see all the column mapping are correctly matched. If not, you need to manually match the columns.
    • Click OK.

    You need do #4 twice for each table you need in SQL server.

    Now you are ready to test importing MySQL data through dts.

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