need to combine multiple rows to a single row

  • hi,

    i need to modify and make no. of rows for a member to 1 row for a member,based on the id, their can be only 3 uniquenumbers for a member.

    CREATE TABLE #temp123


    membername varchar(50) NULL,

    uniqueNum varchar(20) NULL,

    id int null


    the values i get in #temp123


    membername uniqueNum id

    abc 4567A4 1

    mmm 23555A 2

    abc 23456A 3

    abc 23456 4

    bdb 56778 5

    bdb 23555 6

    the result i want after the query is

    membername uniqueNum1 uniqueNum2 uniqueNum3

    abc 23456 23456A 4567A4

    mmm 23555A

    bdb 23555 56778

    the values in the id which is highest should go in uniqueNum1 ,

    if only one id exists then that goes in uniquenum1.

    Can you direct me how to code this and store in a table .


  • Please have a look at the CrossTab article referenced in my signature.

    If the number of uniqueNum columns is unknown, you might want to have a look into the DynamicCrossTab article as well.

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  • Why can't you use XML here instead of the table approach? I think it will be more elegant.

    create table #t(membername varchar(10), uniquenum varchar(10), id int)

    insert into #t values('abc', '4567A4', 1)

    insert into #t values('mmm', '23555A', 2)

    insert into #t values('abc', '23456A', 3)

    insert into #t values('abc', '23456', 4)

    insert into #t values('bdb', '56778', 5)

    insert into #t values('bdb', '23555', 6)




    select uniquenum

    from #t where membername = t.membername

    for xml path(''), root('uniquenumroot'),type

    ) 'uniquenum'

    from #t t

    group by membername

    drop table #t

    I am not sure if that is the best way to generate the XML part. Please compare the execution plans if you have other approaches.

  • SELECT Pvt.membername,

    uniqueNum1 = Pvt.[1],

    uniqueNum2 = Pvt.[2],

    uniqueNum3 = Pvt.[3]

    FROM (

    SELECT membername,


    rn = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY membername ORDER BY id)

    FROM #t

    ) Source

    PIVOT (

    MAX(uniquenum) FOR

    rn IN ([1],[2],[3])

    ) Pvt;

  • thank you all for the response.

    i used the pivot and it worked great!

    kudos to forum members..

  • Thanks for the feedback!

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