need to calculate Group by date

  • hi,

    i'm creating a view and need some help.

    i have the column "valorTotal" that i get the value PCPadrao*Quantidade but if Quantidade <0 then value equal to zero.

    mi problem is that this is working line by line, but i need the acumulate from "artigo" by "Data"

    on yellow what i need is ( -1672+2949+(-1672)+(-1332)= -1727)

    is it possible

    SELECT [Artigo]
    ,sum([Quantidade]) as [Quantidade]
    ,sum(Case when [Quantidade] <0 then 0 else [Quantidade] end) as [qtdpositiva]
    ,sum([PCPadrao] *Case when [Quantidade] <0 then 0 else [Quantidade] end) as [vt]
    ,avg([PCPadrao]) as PCPadrao
    /* ,[Data]*/
    FROM [PRIKLC].[dbo].[Inc_vw_stkArmazem000]
    where data >='2019-09-13 00:00:00' and data <='2019-09-13 23:59:59'
    group by [artigo] ,[Descricao] ,[TipoArtigo] ,[NometipoArtigo]



  • I think what you are describing is done by using "WITH ROLLUP"  in the group by or perhaps a grouping set

    have a look at this article

    for each of your dates it will give you the individual rows and a sub total for each date, you cacn also get a grand total in the bottom row



  • Pls ignore if I've misunderstood (the grid output doesn't seem to match the query)

    Would adding

    CAST(DATA as Date)

    into your group by clause solve it. Assuming DATA is datetime and you want to group by day?

  • Yes i want to group by day and by artigo.

    ill try your sugesttions

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