Need to append 2 columns

  • Hi. Sorry for my original post not being clear. I think I am providing everything needed and I am clear now.

    This code uses the table ClientVisit and I'm including the create table for ClientVisit


    WITH latest_visits AS (
    MAX(timein) AS latest_visit_date
    FROM ClientVisit
    GROUP BY client_id
    latest_primary_visits AS (
    MAX(t.timein) AS latest_primary_visit_date
    FROM ClientVisit t
    WHERE t.emp_id = t.primarydoc
    GROUP BY t.client_id, t.emp_id
    WHEN t.timein = l.latest_visit_date AND t.emp_id <> t.primarydoc THEN 'Last visit seen by staff doctor'
    WHEN t.timein = l.latest_visit_date AND t.emp_id = t.primarydoc THEN 'Last visit seen by primary doctor'
    WHEN t.timein <> l.latest_visit_date AND t.emp_id = t.primarydoc THEN 'Last visit seen by primary doctor (previous visit)'
    END AS seen_by_primary
    FROM ClientVisit t
    JOIN latest_visits l ON t.client_id = l.client_id
    LEFT JOIN latest_primary_visits lpv ON t.client_id = lpv.client_id
    AND t.emp_id = lpv.emp_id
    AND t.timein = lpv.latest_primary_visit_date
    WHERE t.timein = l.latest_visit_date
    OR lpv.latest_primary_visit_date IS NOT NULL
    ORDER BY t.client_id, t.timein DESC;

    ClientVisit table

    CREATE TABLE ClientVisit (
    clientvisit_id int,
    client_id int,
    emp_id int,
    primarydoc int,
    program_id int,
    visittype_id int,
    visittype varchar(50),
    timein date,
    clientfname varchar(50),
    clientlname varchar(50),
    emp_name varchar(50),
    episode_id int

    INSERT INTO ClientVisit (clientvisit_id, client_id, emp_id, primarydoc, program_id, visittype_id, visittype, timein, clientfname, clientlname, emp_name, episode_id)
    (226984,1003130,6626,6197,21,160,'yCancel No Show','2022-12-14 16:00:00.0000000','Samson','Willrett','Annette Bening',53315),
    (243781,1003130,6197,6197,21,19,'Ind Aromatherapy','2022-12-13 16:00:00.0000000','Samson','Willrett','James Bond',53315),
    (247364,1003130,6197,6197,21,194,'Treatment Plan','2022-12-13 14:23:00.0000000','Samson','Willrett','James Bond',53315),
    (233227,1003130,6197,6197,21,160,'yCancel No Show','2022-12-06 15:00:00.0000000','Samson','Willrett','James Bond',53315),
    (228263,1003130,6197,6197,21,19,'Ind Aromatherapy','2022-12-01 13:00:00.0000000','Samson','Willrett','James Bond',53315),
    (229109,1003681,6626,6197,21,160,'yCancel No Show','2022-12-29 09:00:00.0000000','Cora','Bears','Annette Bening',53860),
    (245877,1003681,6197,6197,21,19,'*Ind Aromatherapy','2022-12-15 09:08:00.0000000','Cora','Bears','James Bond',53860),
    (226998,1003681,6197,6197,21,19,'Ind Aromatherapy','2022-12-01 09:00:00.0000000','Cora','Bears','James Bond',53860),
    (234595,1010341,6626,6197,33,160,'yCancel No Show','2023-01-31 13:00:00.0000000','Barbara','Bush','Annette Bening',56018),
    (253286,1010341,6197,6197,21,160,'yCancel No Show','2022-12-21 10:00:00.0000000','Barbara','Bush','James Bond',55555),
    (266461,1010907,6197,6197,21,19,'*Ind Aromatherapy','2022-12-29 16:02:00.0000000','Kirk','Outbound','James Bond',59704),
    (267636,1004114,6197,6197,33,19,'*Ind Aromatherapy','2022-12-29 14:00:00.0000000','Jarrett','Yelling','James Bond',54188)

    And now I would like to append 2 additional columns by adding code to the code above. Columns: Primary Program and PP Length of Stay .

    To find the Primary Program and PP Length of Stay requires lookup of 2 tables: ClientEpisode table and ClientPrograms table. Client Programs table lists each client and their primary program. e.g. 1003130 is 44. Knowing that 1003130 has primary program 44 because primary_flag is True, when looking up in the Primary Program table, we can then do a lookup in the ClientEpisode table and find the episode record for that client with a program_id of 44 and then get the length_of_stay from that episode record.

    To create the 2 tables I have provided the code:

    CREATE TABLE ClientPrograms (
    client_id int,
    program_id int,
    primary_flag varchar(50)

    INSERT INTO ClientPrograms (client_id, program_id, primary_flag)
    (1003130, 44, 'True'),
    (1003130, 21, 'False'),
    (1003681, 45, 'True'),
    (1003681, 31, 'False'),
    (1010907, 45, 'True'),
    (1010907, 33, 'False'),
    (1010341, 47, 'True'),
    (1010341, 81, 'False'),
    (1004114, 48, 'True'),
    (1004114, 21, 'False')

    CREATE TABLE ClientEpisode (
    episode_id int,
    episode_status varchar(50),
    client_id int,
    admission_date date,
    discharge_date date,
    program_id int,
    length_of_stay int
    INSERT INTO ClientEpisode (episode_id, episode_status, client_id, admission_date, discharge_date, program_id, length_of_stay)



  • Note: From the data you provided  program_id from client_vist cannot be joined with client program because they do not match.

    May need some code tweaks... to get the correct program_id code, commented the join ... on program_id.

    I just pulled the columns required using CROSS APPLY to join to your main query.

    ;WITH latest_visits AS (
    MAX(timein) AS latest_visit_date
    FROM ClientVisit
    GROUP BY client_id
    latest_primary_visits AS (
    MAX(t.timein) AS latest_primary_visit_date
    FROM ClientVisit t
    WHERE t.emp_id = t.primarydoc
    GROUP BY t.client_id, t.emp_id
    WHEN t.timein = l.latest_visit_date AND t.emp_id <> t.primarydoc THEN 'Last visit seen by staff doctor'
    WHEN t.timein = l.latest_visit_date AND t.emp_id = t.primarydoc THEN 'Last visit seen by primary doctor'
    WHEN t.timein <> l.latest_visit_date AND t.emp_id = t.primarydoc THEN 'Last visit seen by primary doctor (previous visit)'
    END AS seen_by_primary
    ,Progcode.program_id 'Primary program'
    ,ClientEp.length_of_stay 'PP LengthOfStay'
    FROM ClientVisit t
    JOIN latest_visits l ON t.client_id = l.client_id
    LEFT JOIN latest_primary_visits lpv ON t.client_id = lpv.client_id
    AND t.emp_id = lpv.emp_id
    AND t.timein = lpv.latest_primary_visit_date
    CROSS APPLY(select top 1 program_id
    from ClientPrograms cp
    where t.client_id = cp.client_id
    order by cp.program_id desc
    --and t.program_id = cp.program_id
    CROSS APPLY(select top 1 program_id, length_of_stay
    from ClientEpisode ce
    where t.client_id = ce.client_id
    order by ce.program_id desc
    --and t.program_id = cp.program_id
    WHERE t.timein = l.latest_visit_date
    OR lpv.latest_primary_visit_date IS NOT NULL
    ORDER BY t.client_id, t.timein DESC;



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