Need T-SQL to GRANT SYSAdmin Role to Windows LOGIN

  • I realize I can adjust the properties of a SQL 2005 Windows Login and assign to the SysAdmin role.

    I am in search of T-SQL to allow MyDomain\MyUser login to have SysAdmin on the SQL Server 2005 instance.  

  • Try this

    USE <dbname>;GRANT CONTROL SERVER TO <username];GO
    Read here:
     I understand now. This will not give you what want. 
  •  EXEC master..sp_addsrvrolemember @loginame = N'Domain\Username', @rolename = N'sysadmin'

    Note that you can find things like this by using the script button that is at the top of many windows such as the Login Properties window.






  • use master


    sp_addlogin [domain\username]

    sp_addsrvrolemember [domain\username],'sysadmin'

    Sugeshkumar Rajendran
    SQL Server MVP

  • Sugesh Kumar (6/26/2007)

    use master


    sp_addlogin [domain\username]

    sp_addsrvrolemember [domain\username],'sysadmin'

    sp_addlogin is for SQL Authentication. You must use sp_grantlogin instead.

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