Need SQL Query to get latest CurrencyRate

  • Hi

    I have a transaction table (Invoices) and a CurrencyTable. In Currency table Currency Exchnage Rates are available with Exchange Date.

    In transaction table there two columns (InvoicePrice, InvoiceCurrency).

    InvoicePrice store InvoiceAmt and InvoiceCurrency column store currency in which Invoice generated. I need to convert from InvoiceCurrency to USD (US Dollar) and for that I have use Currency Table.

    There are mulpitle Exchnage Rates are available in Currency Table with respective Exchange Date.

    I have to pick up the latest Exchnage Rate according to Invoice Date.

    For Example see below

    Currency Table

    ExchnageRate, ExchnageDate,FromCurr, ToCurr

    3.45, 1-Jan-2010, EUR, USD

    3.54, 15-Jan-2010, EUR, USD


    1st Transaction



    12-Jan-2010,EUR, 500,

    This Transaction should use the Exchnage Rate of Date 1-Jan-2010

    2nd Transaction



    18-Jan-2010,EUR, 900,

    This Transaction should use the Exchnage Rate of Date 15-Jan-2010

    Can anyone suggest what SQL query I need write to achive above logic.

  • If you provide table script and sample data in a more consumable format, I'll be glad to help.

    Take a look at the article linked in my signature line.

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • This should give you an idea for how to do this.

    If this doesn't work, please follow the advice given by Gianluca.

    -- See how you start off by actually creating a table and then

    -- inserting the data into it? Your doing this makes it a lot easier

    -- for all of us volunteers to help you. So, help us help you.

    -- See

    -- for more details on how to do all of this.

    DECLARE @Currency Table (ExchangeRate numeric(5,2), ExchangeDate datetime, FromCurr char(3), ToCurr char(3));

    INSERT INTO @Currency

    SELECT 3.45, '1-Jan-2010', 'EUR', 'USD' UNION ALL

    SELECT 3.54, '15-Jan-2010', 'EUR', 'USD';

    DECLARE @Invoices TABLE (InvoiceDate datetime, InvoiceCurrency char(3), InvoiceAmt numeric(5,2));

    INSERT INTO @Invoices SELECT '12-Jan-2010', 'EUR', 500;

    -- 1. Get the latest ExchangeDate where the date is <= the InvoiceDate

    -- and it is for the same currency.

    -- 2. Then get the exchange rate for that date.

    -- These are known as correlated subqueries.

    SELECT i.*, -- get the invoice table fields

    (SELECT ExchangeRate

    FROM @Currency c1

    WHERE c1.FromCurr = i.InvoiceCurrency

    AND c1.ExchangeDate = (SELECT MAX(ExchangeDate)

    FROM @Currency c2

    WHERE c2.FromCurr = i.InvoiceCurrency

    AND c2.ExchangeDate <= i.InvoiceDate)) ExchangeRate

    FROM @Invoices i;

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

    If you can't explain to another person how the code that you're copying from the internet works, then DON'T USE IT on a production system! After all, you will be the one supporting it!
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