Need some help in IderaSqlSafe

  • Hi All,

    Am using Idera Sqlsafe for maintainin daily backups in my server..

    past few days am getting an error sayin 'terminating Abnormally' but when i run the syntax am gettin the followin error..

    'C:\Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,

    operable program or batch file.

    Can any one help me out..??

    Thanks in Advance.!!!

  • Can you post the code you're running? My guess is you're using c:\program files, which means there's a space there. You might need to use quotes around the string.

  • here is my code...

    "C:\Program Files\Idera\SQLsafe\SQLsafeCmd" Backup "Converted - VMWARE Virtual Center" "D:\Backup\toursdb\" -server "TOURSDB" -instancename "TOURSDB" -backupdescription "Converted - VMWARE Virtual Center" -backupname "Converted - VMWARE Virtual Center" -verify -init -verify -compressionlevel "ispeed" -managementserver "USB-SQLSAFE" -threads "3" -noprompt -delete 3days

  • What version of Idera are you running? Have you installed the extended stored procedures? I use an SP to invoke Idera using the extendend stored procedures and it works very well -


    -- SQLSafe Stored Procedure

    -- Author: Tommy Bollhofer (

    -- Last Modified: 04/26/2007


    -- Description: Performs a SQLSafe Full Backup


    CREATE PROCEDURE usp_SS_FullBackup

     @dbsvrname AS varchar(50),

     @dbname AS varchar(50),

     @path AS varchar(255),

     @description AS varchar(255)



    DECLARE @currdate AS datetime,

         @datestr AS varchar(20),

         @filepath AS varchar(255)

    SET @currdate = (select getdate())

    SET @datestr = (select convert(char(8), @currdate, 112) + cast(datepart(hh, @currdate) as char(2))+ cast(datepart(mi, @currdate) as char(2)))

    SET @filepath = @path +  @datestr + '.SAFE'


    EXEC [xp_ss_backup] @database = @dbname,@filename = @filepath,@backupname = @dbname,@desc = @description,@init = 1,@compressionlevel = 'ispeed',@threads = 4,@windowsusername = 'SOMEDOMAIN\SOMEUSER',@windowspassword = 'SOMEPASSWORD',@managementserver = 'SOMEIDERAMANAGEMENTSERVER';



  • Hey Tommy

    Thanks.. its workin well...


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