need script to generate job status on SQL2000 and SQL2005

  • I am looking for the script to generate job status result set as Enterprise Manager/SQL Server Agent/Jobs displays.  Need script for SSMS(2005)/Job Activity Monitor as well.

    I need Name, Enabled, Runnable, Scheduled, Status, Last Run Status(Start Date), Next Run Date columns; and the output should be meaningful as Enterprise Manager/Jobs does.

    Thanks, Vivien



  • You can modify the script as needed...

    CREATE PROCEDURE sp_JobSchedule_rpt


    declare @x int, @y int, @z int

    declare @counter smallint

    declare @days varchar(100), @day varchar(10)

    declare @Jname sysname, @freq_interval int, @JID varchar(50)


    create table #temp (JID varchar(50), Jname sysname,

    Jdays varchar(100))

    --This cursor runs throough all the jobs that have a weekly frequency running on different days

    Declare C cursor for select Job_id, name, freq_interval from msdb..sysjobschedules

    where freq_type = 8

    Open C

    Fetch Next from c into @JID, @Jname, @freq_interval

    while @@fetch_status = 0


    set @counter = 0

    set @x = 64

    set @y = @freq_interval

    set @z = @y

    set @days = ''

    set @day = ''

    while @y <> 0


    select @y = @y - @x

    select @counter = @counter + 1

    If @y < 0


    set @y = @z

    GOTO start


    Select @day = CASE @x

    when 1 Then 'Sunday'

    when 2 Then 'Monday'

    when 4 Then 'Tuesday'

    when 8 Then 'Wednesday'

    when 16 Then 'Thursday'

    when 32 Then 'Friday'

    when 64 Then 'Saturday'


    select @days = @day + ',' + @days


    Select @x = CASE @counter

    When 1 then 32

    When 2 then 16

    When 3 then 8

    When 4 then 4

    When 5 then 2

    When 6 then 1


    set @z = @y

    if @y = 0 break


    Insert into #temp select @jid, @jname, left(@days, len(@days)-1)

    Fetch Next from c into @jid, @Jname, @freq_interval


    close c

    deallocate c

    --Final query to extract complete information by joining sysjobs, sysjobschedules and #Temp table

    select Job_Name,

    CASE b.enabled

    when 1 then 'Enabled'

    Else 'Disabled'

    End as JobEnabled, Schedule_Name,

    CASE a.enabled

    when 1 then 'Enabled'

    Else 'Disabled'

    End as ScheduleEnabled,

    CASE freq_type

    when 1 Then 'Once'

    when 4 Then 'Daily'

    when 8 then 'Weekly'

    when 16 Then 'Monthly' --+ cast(freq_interval as char(2)) + 'th Day'

    when 32 Then 'Monthly Relative'

    when 64 Then 'Execute When SQL Server Agent Starts'

    End as [Job Frequency],

    CASE freq_type

    when 32 then CASE freq_relative_interval

    when 1 then 'First'

    when 2 then 'Second'

    when 4 then 'Third'

    when 8 then 'Fourth'

    when 16 then 'Last'


    Else ''

    End as [Monthly Frequency],

    CASE freq_type

    when 16 then cast(freq_interval as char(2)) + 'th Day of Month'

    when 32 then CASE freq_interval

    when 1 then 'Sunday'

    when 2 then 'Monday'

    when 3 then 'Tuesday'

    when 4 then 'Wednesday'

    when 5 then 'Thursday'

    when 6 then 'Friday'

    when 7 then 'Saturday'

    when 8 then 'Day'

    when 9 then 'Weekday'

    when 10 then 'Weekend day'


    when 8 then c.Jdays

    Else ''

    End as [Runs On],

    CASE freq_subday_type

    when 1 then 'At the specified Time'

    when 2 then 'Seconds'

    when 4 then 'Minutes'

    when 8 then 'Hours'

    End as [Interval Type], CASE freq_subday_type

    when 1 then 0

    Else freq_subday_interval

    End as [Time Interval],

    CASE freq_type

    when 8 then cast(freq_recurrence_factor as char(2)) + ' Week'

    when 16 Then cast(freq_recurrence_factor as char(2)) + ' Month'

    when 32 Then cast(freq_recurrence_factor as char(2)) + ' Month'

    Else ''

    End as [Occurs Every],

    left(active_start_date,4) + '-' + substring(cast(active_start_date as char),5,2)

    + '-' + right(active_start_date,2) [Begin Date-Executing Job],

    left(REPLICATE('0', 6-len(active_start_time)) + cast(active_start_time as char(6)),2) + ':' +

    substring(REPLICATE('0', 6-len(active_start_time)) + cast(active_start_time as char(6)),3,2) + ':' +

    substring(REPLICATE('0', 6-len(active_start_time)) + cast(active_start_time as char(6)),5,2)

    [Executing At],

    left(active_end_date,4) + '-' + substring(cast(active_end_date as char),5,2)

    + '-' + right(active_end_date,2) [End Date-Executing Job],

    left(REPLICATE('0', 6-len(active_end_time)) + cast(active_end_time as char(6)),2) + ':' +

    substring(REPLICATE('0', 6-len(active_end_time)) + cast(active_end_time as char(6)),3,2) + ':' +

    substring(REPLICATE('0', 6-len(active_end_time)) + cast(active_end_time as char(6)),5,2)

    [End Time-Executing Job],

    b.date_created [Job Created], a.date_created [Schedule Created]

    from msdb..sysjobschedules a RIGHT OUTER JOIN msdb..sysjobs b ON a.job_id = b.job_id

    LEFT OUTER JOIN #temp c on = c.jname and a.job_id = c.Jid

    Order by 1

    Drop Table #Temp







    --This is written by some one else...

    Microsoft SQL Server MVP

  • Thank you Mahammed.  The script you provide can give me some helpful hints.

    "Last Run Status(Start Date), Next Run Date columns" are needed as I need to monitor the job execution status.

    I thought I can find the script somewhere so I do not have to reinvent the wheel. 


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