Need recs from SQL DBAs using Visual Studio Database Professional...

  • I'm going to start source controlling my SQL Server production database schemas, SSIS packages, and SSRS reports using Visual Studio 2008 Database Professional and Visual SourceSafe (Team Foundation Server later on).

    My current plan is to create a solution per database with multiple projects under that solution for the database projects (prod and qa/uat...I leave dev and test to the developers), ssis projects, ssrs projects etc. associated with that database.

    Obviously there will be some problems initially since Visual Studio 2008 does not support the SSIS and SSRS projects from Visual Studio 2005 just yet, however I'd like to get some comments from other DB Pro users on the above plan so I start a game plan. Suggestions for solution and project naming conventions etc...whatever you are doing to keep yourself organized.


    Forum moderators...feel free to move this post if I've put it in the wrong place. I was uncertain where it should go.

  • I would not have more than one project for a given database. You should be able to manage a single database all the way from Dev through to Production from one project (not counting branching, which may be necessary at times and occurs within source control, not the project/solution). You may want to look at the article I wrote on doing deployments to multiple environments[/url]. That shows a number of the standards that we've set around these projects. Generally we name the project after the database, label the configurations for the server and the purpose of that server, use the post deployment scripts as a way to manage some of the things that the tool doesn't do so well like managing lookup table data, specialized security, things like that. Other than that, we try to let the tool do most of the work and don't try to force our ideas of how it should do things onto it.

    I'm not sure about the SSIS & SSRS projects. I've never done it, but I don't think it will cause issues for you.

    "The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood"
    - Theodore Roosevelt

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