Need Query for Groups and Islands Problem

  • Hi There,

    I'm having a table which have the data about the service activation and expiry day of customers .

    Customer can activate an service at any time .

    I need to find the in active days of every customers between certain period

    create table #sample ( Name varchar(100),ServiceName varchar(100), Activationdate datetime,Expirydate datetime )

    insert into #sample Values ('HeavenGuy','A','2014-02-01 00:00:00', '2014-02-10 23:59:59')

    insert into #sample Values ('HeavenGuy','A','2014-02-09 00:00:00', '2014-02-21 23:59:59')

    insert into #sample Values ('HeavenGuy','A','2014-02-24 00:00:00', '2014-02-28 23:59:59')

    insert into #sample Values ('HeavenGuy','A','2014-03-05 00:00:00', '2014-03-22 23:59:59')

    From the above sample I need attached output

    Inactivity should fall between 2014-02-01 to 2014-03-30

  • Hello all,

    I myself prepared query for the above scenario...

    But have some deviation...

    I could not able to retrieve last row in the given output

    ;with cte as (

    select ROW_NUMBER() over(order by activationdate) rno,* from #sample


    cte2 as (

    select s1.*, datediff(dd,s1.Expirydate,s2.Activationdate)-1 addup from cte s1 join cte s2

    on s1.Name = s2.Name

    and s1.rno = s2.rno - 1 )

    select Name,DATEADD(dd,1,expirydate),DATEADD(dd,addup,expirydate) from cte2 where addup > 0

    Suggest me if any good approach to handle this & solve the rest of the part...

  • I was able to get the desired output by adding a row to the sample data when the end date is outside the range in the sample data, like this:


    sample as (

    select * from #sample


    select * from(

    select Name, ServiceName, '2014-03-31' IntervalEnd, '2014-02-01' IntervalStart

    from #sample

    group by Name, Servicename

    having '2014-03-31' > MAX(Expirydate)) q


    cte as (

    select ROW_NUMBER() over(order by activationdate) rno,* from sample


    cte2 as (

    select s1.*, datediff(dd,s1.Expirydate,s2.Activationdate)-1 addup from cte s1 join cte s2

    on s1.Name = s2.Name

    and s1.rno = s2.rno - 1 )

    select Name,DATEADD(dd,1,expirydate),DATEADD(dd,addup,expirydate) from cte2 where addup > 0

    If this works for you, you might need to add a similar row at the beginning of the interval.

    Gerald Britton, Pluralsight courses

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