need order by in update date column while creating the table

  • Hi,

    I have a table persons,I need to do order by UpdatedDate.but giving the error as incorrect syantax near order by

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[persons](

    [PersonID] [int] NULL,

    [LastName] [varchar](10) NULL,

    [Address] [varchar](200) NULL,

    [UpdatedDate] [datetime] NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY] Order By UpdatedDate




    Any help...

  • You cannot order a table. A table is a set of rows (tuples I think) and has no order.

    ORDER BY is a function of data retrieval (SELECT), not storage.

  • You can create a clustered index on the UpdatedDate column. This will cause a logical ordering of the rows on disk which may, for example, be helpful if you frequently require your query results sorted on that column. Bear in mind that the clustered index will not guarantee the order in which the rows are retrieved: for that, you need an ORDER BY clause.


  • Hi,

    Thank you for replying soon.

    The idea is that i created a new table persons is to log the changes which are updated from frontend.

    When ever we update any record in frontend it will fire a trigger and update in persons table.

    the trigger which i created is this

    ALTER TRIGGER [dbo].[tr_Audit] ON [dbo].[tblemployee]



    Declare @ID char(6),

    @Desc char(40),

    @XID int


    Select @ID = i.UID , @Desc =i.EvDescription ,@XID = i.EvID From Inserted i

    If (@Desc ='' or @Desc ='Available' )


    INSERT INTO tblpersons VALUES(@XID, @ID, @Desc , GETUTCDATE())




    INSERT INTO tblpersons VALUES(@XtID, @ID, @Desc , GETUTCDATE())


    My question is how can i create a clustered index on Updateddate column in persons table?

  • I don't think you really want to put your clustered index on the UpdateDate, you may want a non-clustered index, but not the clustered index. Here's a good read on clustered indexes,

    You really shouldn't be concerned with the order the data is stored in, you want to be concerned with how the data is retrieved. So you just want to add an ORDER BY to your SELECT so your application gets the data in the order it expects. I'd even argue that ordering should be handled by the application.

  • Thank you champion, when ever we want to see the results form log table we can simply do select with order by date..right.?

  • mcfarlandparkway (10/13/2014)

    Thank you champion, when ever we want to see the results form log table we can simply do select with order by date..right.?


  • select


    , updateddate

    from log

    order by updateddate

    is what you can do.

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