Need login help to send files to

  • All,

    I have the following SP below however I need to set up login and password. Any idea on how I can go about getting that to work?

    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[ESC_CreateWebFiles_sp]



    @server VARCHAR(100),




    @CMD VARCHAR(3000),

    @Query VARCHAR(2000)

    SELECT @server = @@ServerName

    SELECT @DBNAME = 'myplace'

    SELECT @FILEPATHOUT = '\\myserver\web_data\Weblinc Sent\'

    -- Get WEBPRICE

    if exists (Select 1 from WebPrice)


    SELECT @FILENAME = 'Web Pricing Data.CSV'

    SELECT @Query = 'Select * from WebPrice'

    SELECT @CMD = 'sqlcmd -S TS-Epicor74 -d '+ @DBNAME+' -E -Q "'+@Query+'" -o"'+@FilePathOut + @FileName+ '" -W -s"," -h-1'

    --SELECT @CMD = 'BCP "select * from test..WEBPRICE '+'" queryout "'+ @FilePathOut + @FileName+ '" -c -t"," -T -S'+@Server




    -- Get WEBXREF

    if exists (Select 1 from webxref)


    SELECT @FILENAME = 'WEB Cross Reference.CSV'

    SELECT @Query = 'Select * from WebXref'

    SELECT @CMD = 'sqlcmd -S localhost -d '+ @DBNAME+' -E -Q "'+@Query+'" -o"'+@FilePathOut + @FileName+ '" -W -s"," -h-1'

    --SELECT @CMD = 'BCP "select * from test..WEBXREF '+'" queryout "'+ @FilePathOut + @FileName+ '" -c -t"," -T -S'+@Server

    -- SELECT @CMD



    --Get WEBACCT

    if exists (Select 1 from WebAcct)


    SELECT @FILENAME = 'Accounts.CSV'

    SELECT @Query = 'Select * from WebAcct'

    SELECT @CMD = 'sqlcmd -S localhost -d '+ @DBNAME+' -E -Q "'+@Query+'" -o"'+@FilePathOut + @FileName+ '" -W -s"," -h-1'

    --SELECT @CMD = 'BCP "select * from test..WEBACCT '+'" queryout "'+ @FilePathOut + @FileName+ '" -c -t"," -T -S'+@Server

    -- SELECT @CMD




  • Are you asking how to connect to the remote server? Use Windows authentication, assuming SQL Server runs under a domain account in the same domain as the remote server (or a trusted domain). But why are you using sqlcmd to connect to the local instance? Why not just run the query direct in the stored procedure?


  • I believe so. What I need is for the script to have the username and password in it so that when the files are transferred to that server, it wont prompt for log-in information.

  • John,

    Maybe I am doing something wrong with it. I need to copy the files that each section outputs to a server which has a log on and I am not sure how to save the logon user name and password in the script. Hopefully this helps a little more.

  • jonathanm 4432 (7/20/2015)


    Maybe I am doing something wrong with it. I need to copy the files that each section outputs to a server which has a log on and I am not sure how to save the logon user name and password in the script. Hopefully this helps a little more.

    Is that server in the same domain as the one that you're issuing the BCP commands from???

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  • No, has to go to an ip address and need to use a user name and password.

  • If it's in a seperate domain, it may be easier using SSIS to do it, or output the file locally and use xp_ cmdshell to run a batch command to do the login and transfer the file (although this would not be my prefered option).

    Although, another option could be to set up a Windows Task to run a sqlcmd query to output the file, log in and transfer. That way you don't need to enable xp_ cmdshell.

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