Need Line Breaks in Fixed Width File

  • Hello,

    I have a series of fixed width files, all with the same schema. I need to import the data into a SQL Server table. Each record in the flat file begins with 'D1'. The length of each record (string) is 380. There are cases where the record ends after position 193, and a new record appears in the current string beginning at position 194. So at position 194 'D' appears, and '1' appears at position 195.

    In the flat file, I need to insert a line break after position 193 if position 194 = 'D' and if position 195 = '1'. I'm guessing I would do this with a Script Component Transformation.  Once the file is edited, then I can bring the data into the table.

    What might the script look like? If you have any suggestions, samples, or know of examples on the web you can point me to, please share.

    Thank you for your help!


  • Hello,

    Sounds like what you need is to create an asynchronous transformation.

    Donald Farmer's Rational Guide to SSIS is also a good reference.

    Hope this helps.

  • Environment tested on: Windows XP Pro and SQL Server 2000

    Step 1


    Create the following text file c:\whatever\SourceTextFile.txt





















    Note there are 5 records of 380 chars length

    record 2 and 4 have the 'D1' at char 194-195

    The output table should contain 7 records, split at the appropriate place.

    Step 2


    Drop a "Text File (Source)" connection onto the DTS designer and

    for FileName specify this file name C:\whatever\SourceTextFile.txt

    Click on 'Properties'

    Select the 'Fixed field' radio button

    FileType: ANSI

    Row deliter: {LF}

    Click On Next, Click on Finish

    Step 3


    Drop a "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server" connection and select your database

    Step 3


    Select a "Transform Data Task" and connect the TextFile Source and the DB Connection

    Double the Task (arrow)

    On the Destination tab, click on 'Create' and then on OK

    On the Transformations tab, delete all existing Transformations

    Click on 'New'

    Select ActiveX script and click on Ok

    Select All Source and Destination columns

    Click on Properties and enter the following ActiveX script.


    '  Visual Basic Transformation Script


    '  Copy each source column to the destination column

    Function Main()

     temp = mid(DTSSource("Col001"),194,2)

     if temp = "D1" then

      if DTSGlobalVariables("firstIteration").Value = true then

          DTSGlobalVariables("firstIteration").Value = false

          temp = left(DTSSource("Col001"),193)


          DTSDestination("Col001") = temp

          Main = DTSTransformStat_SkipFetch


          DTSGlobalVariables("firstIteration").Value = true

          temp = mid(DTSSource("Col001"),194)


          DTSDestination("Col001") = temp

          Main = DTSTransformStat_OK

      end if


         DTSDestination("Col001") = DTSSource("Col001")

         Main = DTSTransformStat_OK

     end if


    End Function

    Click on OK trhree times.

    Step 4


    That's it

    Now Execute the package and you should see the desired transformation in your table.


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