Need JOIN Help

  • I'm struggling to think of how I need to write this query. I'm pulling a lot of information from a variety of tables and any time I join with a table that will return multiple records, I just need the top 1 listed relating to the main data. My problem area is the body parts and I have bolded them below. If anyone can tell me how to pull just the first body part listed and not all the body parts, I would really appreciate it.

    SELECT C.Claim_Number, E.Event_Number, Status.Short_Code Status_Code,

    CASE WHEN Status.Short_Code = 'C' THEN 0 ELSE 1 END [Open],

    CONVERT(SmallDateTime,C.Date_Of_Claim,101) Date_Of_Claim,

    CONVERT(SmallDateTime,E.Date_Reported,101) Date_Reported,

    CONVERT(SmallDateTime,LEFT(C.DTTM_Closed,8),101) Date_Closed,

    Adj.Last_Name, ENT.Abbreviation Entity_Code, Ent.Last_Name Entity_Name, Dept.Last_Name Department,

    E_CL.Last_Name Claimant_Last_Name, E_CL.First_Name Claimant_First_Name, CPI.Short_Code Occupation_Code, CTPI.Code_Desc Occupation,

    CONVERT(SmallDateTime,E.Date_Of_Event,101) Accident_Date, E.Time_Of_Event Accident_Time, Date_Of_Death,

    PI_WL.Duration Days_Lost, ATC.Code_Desc Accident_Type, LOB.short_code Gen_Class_Code,

    ctc.short_code Claim_type_code, ctc.code_desc Claim_type, PRDP1.Short_code PRDP1_Code, PRDP1.Code_Desc PRDP1_Desc,

    PRDP2.Short_code PRDP2_Code, PRDP2.Code_Desc PRDP2_Desc, PRDP3.Short_code PRDP3_Code, PRDP3.Code_Desc PRDP3_Desc,

    U.Vin, V.Vehicle_make, V.Vehicle_Model, V.Vehicle_Year, PIIC.Short_Code Injury_Code, PIIC.Code_Desc Injury, PIBPC.Short_Code Body_Part_Code, PIBPC.Code_Desc Body_Part

     FROM Claim C

     LEFT JOIN Event E ON C.Event_ID = E.Event_ID

     LEFT JOIN Codes_Text Status ON C.Claim_Status_Code = Status.Code_ID

     LEFT JOIN Claim_Adjuster CA ON C.Claim_ID = CA.Claim_ID

     LEFT JOIN Entity Adj ON CA.Adjuster_EID = Adj.Entity_ID

     LEFT JOIN Org_Hierarchy OH ON E.Dept_EID = OH.Department_EID

     INNER JOIN Entity ENT ON OH.Facility_EID = ENT.Entity_ID

     INNER JOIN Entity Dept ON OH.Department_EID = Dept.Entity_ID

     LEFT JOIN Claimant CL ON C.Claim_ID = CL.Claim_ID

     LEFT JOIN Entity E_CL ON CL.Claimant_EID = E_CL.Entity_ID

     INNER JOIN Person_Involved P_I ON E.Event_ID = P_I.Event_ID

     INNER JOIN Codes CPI ON P_I.Position_Code = CPI.Code_ID

     INNER JOIN Codes_Text CTPI ON P_I.Position_Code = CTPI.Code_ID

     LEFT JOIN PI_X_Work_Loss PI_WL ON P_I.PI_Row_ID = PI_WL.PI_Row_ID

     INNER JOIN Codes_Text ATC ON E.Cause_Code = ATC.Code_ID

     INNER JOIN Codes LOB ON C.Line_of_bus_code = LOB.code_ID

     INNER JOIN Codes_Text CTC ON C.Claim_type_code = CTC.Code_ID

     INNER JOIN Claim_Supp CS ON C.Claim_ID = CS.Claim_ID

     INNER JOIN Codes_Text PRDP1 ON CS.PRD1P_Code = PRDP1.Code_ID

     INNER JOIN Codes_Text PRDP2 ON CS.PRD2P_Code = PRDP2.Code_ID

     INNER JOIN Codes_Text PRDP3 ON CS.PRD3P_Code = PRDP3.Code_ID

     LEFT JOIN Unit_X_Claim U ON C.Claim_ID = U.Claim_ID

     LEFT JOIN Vehicle V ON V.Unit_ID = U.Unit_ID


     INNER JOIN Codes_Text PIIC ON PII.Injury_Code = PIIC.Code_ID


     LEFT JOIN Codes_Text PIBPC ON PIBP.Body_Part_Code = PIBPC.Code_ID

  • As far as getting only the top 1 record that matches, unless somebody else has a better idea, you're going to need a subquery for each of the line items where your "top 1" is required.  Could get fancy and use a UDF but would probably be overkill.

    For example where you have PIBPC.Short_Code try:

    Short_Code = (select top 1 short_code from PI_X_Body_Part PIBP  where P_I.PI_Row_ID = PIBP.PI_Row_ID),

    and the drop the left join altogether (LEFT JOIN PI_X_Body_Part PIBP ON P_I.PI_Row_ID = PIBP.PI_Row_ID)

    Should do it...



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