need ideas on Count()

  • Hi friends

    The following query returns list of our cliens requests (categorywise we mark each each client request under a category for example finance,accounts,bugs etc.,),

    category,total no of requests

    SELECT ClientGroup.fk_clientid, Client.cl_name, Task.fk_catid, Category.Catname,

        count(ClientGroup.fk_clientid) as [TotalReq]

        FROM  Category INNER JOIN

                    Task ON Category.Catid = Task.fk_catid INNER JOIN

                     ClientGroup ON Task.Taskid = ClientGroup.fk_taskid INNER JOIN

                     Client ON ClientGroup.fk_clientid = Client.Clientid

    Group by ClientGroup.fk_clientid, Client.cl_name, Task.fk_catid, Category.Catname

    how can i modify abv query to return additional info like count(uncompleted requests) i.e requests we've not finished

     and count(completed requests) i.e request which finished .(actually 5 th col in abv select list is sum of these 2 new cols).


     To know whether a request is finished or not there is field in task table i.e completed(0 or 1)



     Here the table Task pimary key table to ClientGroup and Category


     Thanks for ur ideas 🙂

  • Simply add This:


    CompletedReq = Sum( Completed )

    ,UnCompleted =  count(ClientGroup.fk_clientid)  - Sum( Task.Completed )


    ,UnCompleted =  Sum(

       Case Task.Completed



  • Thank u anziobake.i finally ended up doing something like ....





        [CompleteTasks] = SUM(CASE WHEN t.completed = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END),

        [IncompleteTasks] = SUM(CASE WHEN t.completed = 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)

        count(cg.fk_clientid) as [TotalReq],


        Category c

        INNER JOIN Task t ON c.Catid = t.fk_catid

        INNER JOIN ClientGroup cg ON t.Taskid = cg.fk_taskid

        INNER JOIN Client cl ON cg.fk_clientid = cl.Clientid






  • Hi friend

    Just to add to abv

    the abv query returns something like





    now how do i get total no of tasks of a client in another col

    i mean if u take abv example



    IBM,finance,22,0,22,23(here this 22+1)


    like that bcoz i wanted to keep the clients on top who requested most .

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