Need help with Transpose

  • I have a query that returns me Locker Numbers with their combinations. The problem is the combination is listed vertically in columns underneath the locker Number. What client needs is the 5 combinations go out horizontally from the locker number. is that possile:

    select distinct



    , isnull(loc.Description, ' ') as Description




    from dbo.tblLocker loc

    left join dbo.tblLockerStatus lstat

    on loc.lockerstatusid = lstat.lockerstatusid

    left join dbo.tblLockerCombination lc

    on loc.lockerid = lc.LockerId

    inner join tblschool sch

    on loc.schoolid = sch.schoolid

    where sch.code = 'ABCD'

    and loc.SchoolYearId = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000031129'

    order by lockernumber, series

    set nocount on

    The result looks like this


    1Active 2120-08-22

    1Active 2213-01-15

    1Active 2308-46-10

    1Active 2402-40-04

    1Active 2544-32-46

    Wanted result

    LockerNumber<other columns>combination1 combination2 combination3 combination4 combination5

    1<other col values> 20-08-22 13-01-15 08-46-10 02-40-04 44-32-46

    Any help is highly appreciated.

  • I suspect that this is a homework question.

    Investigate pivot.

    Clear Sky SQL
    My Blog[/url]

  • from what I undersatnd I need to use and aggregate function when using PIVOT. Is that correct?

  • Exactly.. use PIVOT with some aggregate functions, then u can transpose rows to columns! There is also another old method, which is bit faster than PIVOT for larger data sets!

    But as Dave said, this request looks like a homework/assignment. Have you worked on this, if yes, can u post what query you worked on, to solve the problem!!


  • It is not a hw assignment..I am very new to development and this is my first post on any forum ever. So I might not know how to pose the question right..

    Here is what I tried

    create table #lockerTry


    LockerNumber varchar(10)

    ,LockerStatus varchar(50)

    , Description varchar(50)

    ,CombinationSeries tinyint

    ,Series tinyint

    ,Combination varchar(16)



    insert into #lockerTry

    select distinct



    , isnull(loc.Description, ' ')




    from dbo.tblLocker loc

    left join dbo.tblLockerStatus lstat

    on loc.lockerstatusid = lstat.lockerstatusid

    left join dbo.tblLockerCombination lc

    on loc.lockerid = lc.LockerId

    inner join tblschool sch

    on loc.schoolid = sch.schoolid

    where sch.code = 'ABCD'

    and loc.SchoolYearId = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000031129'

    --order by lockernumber, series


    select * from #lockerTry

    SELECT LockerNumber

    , ISNULL(Combination1, 0) Combination1

    , ISNULL(Combination2, 0) Combination2

    , ISNULL(Combination3, 0) Combination3

    , ISNULL(Combination4, 0) Combination4

    , ISNULL(Combination5, 0) Combination5



    SELECT LockerNumber

    , Combination

    , 'Combination'

    + CAST(ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY LockerNumber ORDER BY LockerNumber) AS VARCHAR(5)) AS col

    FROM #lockerTry) AS sourcetable


    ( AVG(Combination)

    FOR col IN ([Combination1],[Combination2],[Combination3],[Combination4],[Combination5])

    ) AS pivottable;


  • Ok I think I got it..Thanks for looking into it.

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