Need Help With this SQL...

  • I have a Varchar value in the db like this XYZ.what I want to

    do is that anytime someone tries to save XYZ it should check for existence and if found then save it as

    XYZ-1 and if i want to save XYZ-1 then it should check first and increment the value and save it as XYZ-2 and so on. How can i do that in SP. I need to check also that

    value i am trying to insert exists or not.

    Please advise.

  • Having a single column containing two pieces of information (the value and the sequence within the value)  is a violation of the rules of normalizatoim and will cause great difficulties including difficulty in getting SQL to produce the desired results, sorting and performance.  Instead recommend you have 2 columns, one column for the value and a differenct column for the sequence.  You may always concatenate the two columns into a single derived column as needed. 


    create table Foos

    ( FooName varchar(255) not null

    , FooNameSequence integer not null

    , constraint Foos_P primary key (FooName , FooNameSequence)

    , constraint Foos_C_FooNameSequence check (FooNameSequence >= 0 )


    declare @FooName varchar(255)

    , @TestCnt integer

    set @FooName = 'XYZ'

    set @TestCnt = 0

    WHILE @TestCnt < 20


     insert into Foos

     (FooName , FooNameSequence )

     select @FooName , COALESCE ( MAX(FooNameSequence) + 1  , 0 )

     from Foos

     where FooName = @FooName

     set @TestCnt = @TestCnt + 1


    select FooName

    ,  FooNameSequence

    , FooName + '-' + cast(FooNameSequence  as varchar(8) )

    from Foos

    order by FooName , FooNameSequence

    drop table Foos

    SQL = Scarcely Qualifies as a Language

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