need help with sql insert with concat

  • I need to insert data from a target table into a source table.  The first column from both tables are the same (Product_ID); the second column of the source table needs to contain concat data from the source table.

    I tried the following without success:

    INSERT INTO tblCatalog ( Product_ID, img )

      SELECT Product_Id, (CONCAT(Pattern,'-',Color,'.jpg'))

        FROM Product_Dimension

    INSERT INTO tblCatalog ( Product_ID, (CONCAT(Pattern,'-',Color,'.jpg')) )

      SELECT Product_Id,Pattern,Color

        FROM Product_Dimension

    INSERT INTO tblCatalog

    SET Product_ID=b.Product_ID, img= CONCAT(b.Pattern,'-',b.Color,'.jpg')

      SELECT *

        FROM Product_Dimension b

  • INSERT INTO tblCatalog ( Product_ID, img )

    SELECT Product_Id, Pattern + '-' + Color + '.jpg' as img

    FROM dbo.Product_Dimension

  • BTW this assumes that Pattern and Color cannot contain nulls

  • great, that works just fine...thanks..

    now the img has the following data:

    "FSP   -01    .jpg"

    I need the data to be "FSP-01.jpg"

  • I think I found my anwser:


    INSERT INTO tblCatalog ( Product_ID, img )

    SELECT Product_Id, rtrim(Pattern) + '-' + rtrim(Color) + '.jpg' as img

    FROM dbo.Product_Dimension

  • Are the columns chars() or varchars()? If you use varchar instead of char then the trailing spaces will be removed automatically (or actually not added at all).

  •  >> I think I found my anwser:


    INSERT INTO tblCatalog ( Product_ID, img )

    SELECT Product_Id, rtrim(Pattern) + '-' + rtrim(Color) + '.jpg' as img

    FROM dbo.Product_Dimension <<

    To be on the safe side:

     INSERT INTO tblCatalog ( Product_ID, img )

    SELECT Product_Id, ltrim(rtrim(Pattern)) + '-' + ltrim(rtrim(Color)) + '.jpg' as img

    FROM dbo.Product_Dimension


    * Noel

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