Need help with some code..

  • Hello. I am working on a project for my work and I need some help. I am fairly new at SQL. Been at it a week, but they are paying me to learn it.

    I am suppose to make a buy analysis for them. They want the following fields:

    Part No.


    QTY Purchased Last year

    Value Purchased Last Year.

    QTY Purchased 3 years.

    Value Purchased 3 years

    QTY Purchased 5 Years

    Value Purchased 5 years.

    I am using these columns from these tables:

    fpartno - poitem - Part

    fdescript - poitem - Description

    fordrqty - poitem - Total Quantity

    forddate - pomast - using "YEAR(dbo.pomast.forddate)" to grab just the year the order was made.

    So far I have made a new View to that grabs Part No. , Description , Total Quantity , and Year Ordered


    TOP 100 PERCENT dbo.poitem.fpartno AS Part,

    dbo.poitem.fdescript AS Description,

    dbo.poitem.fordqty AS [Quantity Purchased],

    YEAR(dbo.pomast.forddate) AS [Year Purchased],



    dbo.poitem INNER JOIN

    dbo.inmast ON dbo.poitem.fpartno = dbo.inmast.fpartno AND

    dbo.poitem.frev = dbo.inmast.frev INNER JOIN

    dbo.pomast ON dbo.poitem.fpono = dbo.pomast.fpono

    Now I know that to get the value I would use (fucost * ordqty) AS Value. But I dont know how or where to put this statment.

    So.. how on earth do I get Total Value and QTY Purchased into 1 year , 3 year , 5 year columns? Btw, the end user will pull the data using Excel ODBC.


  • you can put an expression, just like you were planning, in the query, and it will appear as results int he query.

    here's your specific example: note i simply added the calcualtion you identified and gave it an Alias:

    (dbo.poitem. * dbo.poitem.fordqty) AS TheValue.


    TOP 100 PERCENT dbo.poitem.fpartno AS Part,

    dbo.poitem.fdescript AS Description,

    dbo.poitem.fordqty AS [Quantity Purchased],

    YEAR(dbo.pomast.forddate) AS [Year Purchased],


    (dbo.poitem. * dbo.poitem.fordqty) AS TheValue.


    dbo.poitem INNER JOIN

    dbo.inmast ON dbo.poitem.fpartno = dbo.inmast.fpartno AND

    dbo.poitem.frev = dbo.inmast.frev INNER JOIN

    dbo.pomast ON dbo.poitem.fpono = dbo.pomast.fpono


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  • Awesome, so the Total Value works now.

    Now I just need the Total Value and Quantity Purchased for Last Year , 3 Years , and 5 Years. Each in seperate columns then I should be good to go.

    I just have no clue how to do it though!

  • Basically, you're going to pivot this data. Read the two cross-tab/pivot tables articles in my signature.

    I think that this will do it:



    SELECT dbo.poitem.fpartno AS Part,

    dbo.poitem.fdescript AS Description,

    dbo.poitem.fordqty AS [Quantity Purchased],

    YEAR(dbo.pomast.forddate) AS [Year Purchased],

    (dbo.poitem.fucost * dbo.poitem.fordqty) AS TheValue

    FROM dbo.poitem

    JOIN dbo.inmast

    ON dbo.poitem.fpartno = dbo.inmast.fpartno

    AND dbo.poitem.frev = dbo.inmast.frev

    JOIN dbo.pomast

    ON dbo.poitem.fpono = dbo.pomast.fpono


    SELECT Part, [Description],

    Last1YearQty = CASE WHEN [Year Purchased] = year(getdate())-1 THEN [QuantityPurchased] ELSE 0 END,

    Last3YearQty = CASE WHEN [Year Purchased] = year(getdate())-3 THEN [QuantityPurchased] ELSE 0 END,

    Last5YearQty = CASE WHEN [Year Purchased] = year(getdate())-5 THEN [QuantityPurchased] ELSE 0 END,

    Last1YearTot = CASE WHEN [Year Purchased] = year(getdate())-1 THEN [TheValue] ELSE 0 END,

    Last3YearTot = CASE WHEN [Year Purchased] = year(getdate())-3 THEN [TheValue] ELSE 0 END,

    Last5YearTot = CASE WHEN [Year Purchased] = year(getdate())-5 THEN [TheValue] ELSE 0 END


    GROUP BY Part, [Description];

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

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  • Hey thanks alot. Havent learned and thing about Cross Tabs and Pivot Tables. I am checking you article out now 🙂

    Thanks for the code. I will try it tommorow at work.

  • jguerra2 (11/22/2010)

    Hey thanks alot. Havent learned and thing about Cross Tabs and Pivot Tables. I am checking you article out now 🙂

    Thanks for the code. I will try it tommorow at work.

    Actually, they're not my articles. A great guy by the name of Jeff Moden wrote them (and many others). All of his articles are worth reading and learning from - check them out here[/url]

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

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  • Had some problems with the code you wrote for me. So I had to change a few things around. Please check out my next post and the picture with it.

  • Okay well I've been trying to figure this out. As of now here is main View for this project. It pulls all the values fine. Please look at the following picture and you'll understand what i'm talking about.

    Here is a seperate view made to get the Case Statement working. It runs but no results.


    TOP 100 PERCENT Part, Description, QTYPurch, fucost, [Year Purchased], Value,

    CASE WHEN [Year Purchased] = DATEADD(year, - 1, GETDATE()) THEN [Value] ELSE 0 END AS Last1YearTot,

    CASE WHEN [Year Purchased] = DATEADD(year, - 1, GETDATE()) THEN [QTYPurch] ELSE 0 END AS Last1YearQty

    FROM jeffguerra.qBuyAnValueQTY

    It runs but no results for Last1YearTot Or Qty Just all 00000's

    [Year Purchased] is YEAR(dbo.pomast.forddate) - Only the Year of the Order Date

    [QTY Purch] is dbo.poitem.fordqty - This is the Order Quantity.

    So in english what I think its doing is grabbing the year of the Order Date, and if it equals (=) the current Year -1 then it will show the results of the Order QTY for that year, per Item.

    We have multiple Purchase Orders made for the same items. I need to be able to see the Total Quantity Purchased for that item in a particular year.

    Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks

  • The problem is what you are doing in your case statement... specifically your date math.

    You are taking the value returned from the GetDate() function, and subtracting one year from it.

    So, if GetDate() returns '2010-11-22 12:46:52.658', your date math will return '2009-11-22 12:46:52.658'.

    You are then comparing the [Year Purchased] value to this date, and you are not finding any matches. So, you are counting records that have a [Year Purchased] equal to this date.

    All of this is assuming that [Year Purchased] is actually a date. If it's not a date, it will be implicitly converted into a date. Assuming that [Year Purchased] = 2010, this will be converted to 1905-07-04. With the date "0" representing 1900-01-01, this is 2010 days from that date. Which isn't what you want.

    Either way, you aren't going to find a match with the way that the query is written.

    I can't view the url that you posted... work is blocking it. Can you describe what your problem is? I should be able to help you through it.

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

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  • Oh - you don't need the TOP 100 PERCENT on all your queries - all you're doing is making SQL work harder / take longer to return your results.

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

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  • WayneS (11/22/2010)

    jguerra2 (11/22/2010)

    Hey thanks alot. Havent learned and thing about Cross Tabs and Pivot Tables. I am checking you article out now 🙂

    Thanks for the code. I will try it tommorow at work.

    Actually, they're not my articles. A great guy by the name of Jeff Moden wrote them (and many others). All of his articles are worth reading and learning from - check them out here[/url]

    :blush:Thanks, Wayne.

    --Jeff Moden

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  • WayneS (11/23/2010)

    The problem is what you are doing in your case statement... specifically your date math.

    You are taking the value returned from the GetDate() function, and subtracting one year from it.

    So, if GetDate() returns '2010-11-22 12:46:52.658', your date math will return '2009-11-22 12:46:52.658'.

    You are then comparing the [Year Purchased] value to this date, and you are not finding any matches. So, you are counting records that have a [Year Purchased] equal to this date.

    All of this is assuming that [Year Purchased] is actually a date. If it's not a date, it will be implicitly converted into a date. Assuming that [Year Purchased] = 2010, this will be converted to 1905-07-04. With the date "0" representing 1900-01-01, this is 2010 days from that date. Which isn't what you want.

    Either way, you aren't going to find a match with the way that the query is written.

    I can't view the url that you posted... work is blocking it. Can you describe what your problem is? I should be able to help you through it.

    Hey wayne, I appreciate your help. I just ran a simple query for YEAR(getdate()) and [Year Purchased] , You were right, the format is different, but how I am selecting yields similar results. dbo.pomast.forddate is our order dates. it is in the format 2010-11-23-00:00:00:000, I had changed the statment do just select the year. Here are the results:

    YEAR(getdate()) returns '2010'

    [Year Purchased] = YEAR(dbo.pomast.forddate) it returns '2010'

    So if I understand you correctly, I think it should work. I'll change my case statments to YEAR(getdate()) and see the results. I'll post more in a bit.

  • jguerra2 (11/24/2010)

    WayneS (11/23/2010)

    The problem is what you are doing in your case statement... specifically your date math.

    You are taking the value returned from the GetDate() function, and subtracting one year from it.

    So, if GetDate() returns '2010-11-22 12:46:52.658', your date math will return '2009-11-22 12:46:52.658'.

    You are then comparing the [Year Purchased] value to this date, and you are not finding any matches. So, you are counting records that have a [Year Purchased] equal to this date.

    All of this is assuming that [Year Purchased] is actually a date. If it's not a date, it will be implicitly converted into a date. Assuming that [Year Purchased] = 2010, this will be converted to 1905-07-04. With the date "0" representing 1900-01-01, this is 2010 days from that date. Which isn't what you want.

    Either way, you aren't going to find a match with the way that the query is written.

    I can't view the url that you posted... work is blocking it. Can you describe what your problem is? I should be able to help you through it.

    Hey wayne, I appreciate your help. I just ran a simple query for YEAR(getdate()) and [Year Purchased] , You were right, the format is different.

    YEAR(getdate()) returns '2010' and [Year Purchased] is actually the year, month and day the order was made. It returns ' 2010-11-23 00:00:00:000 ' dating all the way back to 2000. So if I understand you correctly, I just need to get my formatting correct and it will yield correct results.

    Okay, since we now know that [Year Purchased] is actually a date, then this would seem to be your solution:

    DECLARE @StartOfThisYear datetime,

    @StartOfNextYear datetime;

    SELECT @StartOfThisYear = DateAdd(year, DateDiff(year, 0, GetDate()),0),

    @StartOfNextYear = DateAdd(year, 1, @StartOfThisYear);

    SELECT @StartOfThisYear, @StartOfNextYear;

    SELECT Part, Description, QTYPurch, fucost, [Year Purchased], Value,

    CASE WHEN [Year Purchased] >= @StartOfThisYear and [Year Purchased] < @StartOfNextYear

    THEN [Value] ELSE 0 END AS Last1YearTot,

    CASE WHEN [Year Purchased] >= @StartOfThisYear and [Year Purchased] < @StartOfNextYear

    THEN [QTYPurch] ELSE 0 END AS Last1YearQty

    FROM jeffguerra.qBuyAnValueQTY

    BTW, is the [Year Purchased] column a datetime data type? Based on what you said it's returning, it appears to be so.

    Edit: Note that I'm not using YEAR([Year Purchased]). Since you are using this conversion in the columns being returned, and not in the where/join clauses, it won't make a difference. However, if you are using this in either the where or join clauses, the way that I'm doing it will allow an index seek to work - a function on a column in those column will prevent the index from being used.

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

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  • Well your code returns all 0's for one year value and one year WTY. But another problem I seem to be facing is multiple orders of the same part. The only way I can see results is if I filter the Case Statment in previous posts to = '2009'.

    Also, I removed the Year from [Year Purchased] in the main query and the results I recieve are actually in a differnt format:

    6/18/2001 12:00:00 AM

    When I use your code posted above, [Year Purchased] returns 2005-11-16 00:00:00:000 ect.

    It seems to be two differnt formats... Idk you're losing me 😀

    Is there a faster way I can reach you? MSN?


  • Finished the Project! I'm pumped haha. I'll post the code on monday and tell ya how I did it. Have a good holiday! 😀

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