Need help with simple delete and insert with the input parmeter

  • Hi,

       i have a stored procedure which takes an input parameter "month_of_file" .i want that every time i execute it it should  delete the old record and insert the new record if it is the same in the table.if the record is not the same it should do the insert in the table.


    CREATE PROCEDURE GE_Transaction_Record_Counts

           @Month_of_file_filter datetime


    if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id =

    object_id(N'[dbo].[TransactionCounts]') and

    OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)

    drop table [dbo].[TransactionCounts]

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TransactionCounts] (

           [Month_of_file] [datetime] NULL ,

           [CalcAction] [varchar] (100) COLLATE

    SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,

           [TableValue] [varchar] (50) COLLATE

    SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,

           [CalculatedValue] [int] NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    INSERT INTO TransactionCounts (Month_of_file,

    CalcAction, TableValue, CalculatedValue)

           SELECT @Month_of_file_filter as Month_of_file, 'Total Record Count' as CalcAction, SPACE(1) as TableValue,

    COUNT(*) as CalculatedValue

           FROM GE_Transaction

           WHERE Month_of_file = @Month_of_file_filter

    INSERT INTO TransactionCounts (Month_of_file,

    CalcAction, TableValue, CalculatedValue)

           SELECT @Month_of_file_filter as Month_of_file,

    'Record Count by Transaction Month' as CalcAction,

    MonthReported as TableValue, COUNT(*)  as


           FROM GE_Transaction

           WHERE Month_of_file = @Month_of_file_filter

           GROUP BY MonthReported

    INSERT INTO TransactionCounts (Month_of_file,

    CalcAction, TableValue, CalculatedValue)

           SELECT @Month_of_file_filter, 'Record Count By Transaction Type' as CalcAction, TransactionType as

    TableValue, COUNT(*) as CalculatedValue

           FROM GE_Transaction

           WHERE Month_of_file = @Month_of_file_filter

           GROUP BY TransactionType

    INSERT INTO TransactionCounts (Month_of_file,

    CalcAction, TableValue, CalculatedValue)

           SELECT @Month_of_file_filter as Month_of_file,

    'Record Count by Status' as CalcAction, Status as

    TableValue, COUNT(*) as CalculatedValue

           FROM GE_Transaction

           WHERE Month_of_file = @Month_of_file_filter

           GROUP BY Status

    INSERT INTO TransactionCounts (Month_of_file,

    CalcAction, TableValue, CalculatedValue)

           SELECT @Month_of_file_filter as Month_of_file,

    'Record Count of Unique Policies' as CalcAction,

    SPACE(1) as TableValue, COUNT(DISTINCT PolicyNumber)

    as CalculatedValue

           FROM GE_Transaction

           WHERE Month_of_file = @Month_of_file_filter

    INSERT INTO TransactionCounts (Month_of_file,

    CalcAction, TableValue, CalculatedValue)

           SELECT @Month_of_file_filter as Month_of_file,

    'Premium Total' as CalcAction, SPACE(1) as TableValue,

    SUM(Amount) as CalculatedValue

           FROM GE_Transaction

           WHERE Month_of_file = @Month_of_file_filter

    INSERT INTO TransactionCounts

    (Month_of_file,CalcAction, TableValue,


           SELECT @Month_of_file_Filter as

    Month_of_file,'Negative Premium Totals' as CalcAction,

    SPACE(1) as TableValue, SUM(Amount) as CalculatedValue

           FROM GE_Transaction

           WHERE Amount < 0 AND Month_of_file =


    INSERT INTO TransactionCounts (Month_of_file,

    CalcAction, TableValue, CalculatedValue)

           SELECT @Month_of_File_filter as Month_of_file,

    'Premium by Transaction Type' as CalcAction,

    TransactionType as TableValue, SUM(Amount) as


           FROM GE_Transaction

           WHERE Month_of_file = @Month_of_file_filter

           GROUP BY TransactionType

    INSERT INTO TransactionCounts (Month_of_file,

    CalcAction, TableValue, CalculatedValue)

           SELECT @Month_of_File_Filter as Month_of_File,

    'WOP by Transaction Type' as CalcAction,

    TransactionType as TableValue,

    SUM(PremiumWaivedAmount) as CalculatedValue

           FROM GE_Transaction

           WHERE Month_of_file = @Month_of_file_filter

           GROUP BY TransactionType


  • You can add these queries before the first insert into just an example for the first part which is TotalCount)

    select @Month_of_file_filter = COUNT(*)

    FROM GE_Transaction

    WHERE Month_of_file = @Month_of_file_filter


    exists ( select 1 from TransactionCounts

    where CalcAction = 'Total Record Count'

    and TableValue = ' '

    and CalculatedValue = @Month_of_file_filter )


    TransactionCounts where CalcAction = 'Total Record Count'

    and TableValue = ' '

    and CalculatedValue = @Month_of_file_filter

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