Need help with script task

  • Hi,

    I need to pick a latest file from folder.Can you please help with the below code where I need to add the logic to pick latest file.

    Dim sTimeStamp As String = CStr(Format(Now(), "yyyyMMdd"))

    Dim Sup_file_name_pgp As String = ""

    Dim Sup_file_name_txt As String = ""

    Dim sSuppFilePatern As String = Dts.Variables("Supp_File_Patern").Value.ToString

    Dim Sup_Source_file_path As String = Dts.Variables("Suppress_Source_File_Path").Value.ToString

    Dim Sup_desti_file_path As String

    Dim Suppress_Source_Filename_To_Decrypt As String

    Dim Suppress_Desti_Filename_To_Decrypt As String

    Dim File_Name As New DirectoryInfo(Sup_Source_file_path.ToString)

    Dim Files As FileInfo() = File_Name.GetFiles(sSuppFilePatern)

    Dim Fil As FileInfo

    Dim lastModified As DateTime = DateTime.MinValue

    For Each Fil In Files

    If My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists(Sup_Source_file_path.ToString & "\Archive\" & Fil.Name.ToString()) Then


    Sup_file_name_pgp = Fil.Name.ToString()

    MsgBox("Else Part :" & Sup_file_name_pgp.ToString)

    End If


    'Sup_file_name_pgp = "sup_visalist_20101004.txt.pgp"

    'Sup_file_name_pgp = "sup_visalist_" & sTimeStamp & ".txt.pgp"

    'Sup_file_name_pgp = "sup_visalist_" & sTimeStamp & ".dat.pgp"

    Dts.Variables("Suppress_File_Name_pgp").Value = CStr(Sup_file_name_pgp)


    Sup_Source_file_path = CStr(Dts.Variables("Suppress_Source_File_Path").Value)

    Sup_desti_file_path = CStr(Dts.Variables("Suppress_Desti_File_Path").Value)



    Suppress_Source_Filename_To_Decrypt = CStr(Sup_Source_file_path & "\" & Sup_file_name_pgp)


    Dts.Variables("Suppress_Source_Filename_To_Decrypt").Value = Suppress_Source_Filename_To_Decrypt


    If Sup_file_name_pgp.LastIndexOf(".") > 0 Then

    Sup_file_name_txt = Sup_file_name_pgp.Substring(0, Sup_file_name_pgp.LastIndexOf("."))


    End If


    'Sup_file_name_txt = "sup_visalist_" & sTimeStamp & ".dat"

    'Sup_file_name_txt = "sup_visalist_" & sTimeStamp & ".dat"

    Dts.Variables("Suppress_File_Name_txt").Value = Sup_file_name_txt

    Suppress_Desti_Filename_To_Decrypt = CStr(Sup_desti_file_path & Sup_file_name_txt)

    Dts.Variables("Suppress_Desti_Filename_To_Decrypt").Value = Suppress_Desti_Filename_To_Decrypt


    If My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists(Suppress_Source_Filename_To_Decrypt) Then

    Dts.Variables("New_Sup_Files").Value = 1

    MsgBox("Inside Loop")


    Dts.Variables("New_Sup_Files").Value = 0

    MsgBox("Outside Loop")

    End If

    I know that I need to add logic in For Loop but, I am not able to work it out.

    Thanks In advance.

  • Hi guys,

    Below is the code I have used to pick the latest file from folder and I am able to work it out.

    ElseIf Fil.LastWriteTime > lastModified Then

    lastModified = Fil.LastWriteTime

    Suppress_Source_Filename_To_Decrypt = Fil.Name.ToString()

    Sup_file_name_pgp = Suppress_Source_Filename_To_Decrypt.ToString()


  • Glad you got it to work. I saw your post late yesterday, but didn't have time to answer it. I've also made the jump from VB to C# this year so going back and looking at VB code takes more time! Again, glad you figured it out and thanks for posting your solution to help others out.

    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

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