need help with query

  • Yup Jeff, just wanted to help some, I didn't see your solution at first.

    Probably barsuk just wanted to get the job done .

    And also barsuk - It would help to provide some more information like table layout and such ( datatypes ). Now I just assumed that the times were stored as datetime. And if there are specifics - like the midnight problem, it helps to mention little tidbits of information like that too.


    You must unlearn what You have learnt

  • Try this.....

    select t1.Client_Rep ,t1.begin_work,max(t2.end_work) as workend,datediff(hour,max(t2.end_work),t1.begin_work)

     as diff  from tempdata t1

    join tempdata t2 on t1.Client_Rep =t2.Client_Rep 

    where t1.begin_work > t2.end_work

    group by t1.Client_Rep ,t1.begin_work

    having datediff(hour,max(t2.end_work),t1.begin_work) > 1




  • Thanks again, Guys.

     I appreciate your help and comments!

  • CREATE TABLE #PossibleWorkMinutes


       Client_Rep VARCHAR(50),

       Begin_Work DATETIME,

       End_Work DATETIME,

       TotalWorkDayMinutes INT


    INSERT INTO #PossibleWorkMinutes

    SELECT  Client_Rep,




    FROM  MyTable

    GROUP BY Client_Rep

    UPDATE  #PossibleWorkMinutes

    SET  TotalWorkDayMinutes = DATEDIFF(mi, Begin_Work, End_Work)

    CREATE TABLE #WorkDoneMinutes


       Client_Rep VARCHAR(50),

       WorkDoneMinutes INT


    INSERT INTO #WorkDoneMinutes

    SELECT  Client_Rep,

      SUM(DATEDIFF(mi, Begin_Work, End_Work))

    FROM  MyTable

    GROUP BY  Client_Rep

    SELECT  #PossibleWorkMinutes.Client_Rep,



      #PossibleWorkMinutes.TotalWorkDayMinutes - #WorkDoneMinutes.WorkDoneMinutes AS LunchMinutes

    FROM  #PossibleWorkMinutes

    INNER JOIN #WorkDoneMinutes ON #PossibleWorkMinutes.Client_Rep = #WorkDoneMinutes.Client_Rep

    WHERE #PossibleWorkMinutes.TotalWorkDayMinutes - #WorkDoneMinutes.WorkDoneMinutes > 60

    ORDER BY #PossibleWorkMinutes.Client_Rep

    DROP TABLE #PossibleWorkMinutes

    DROP TABLE #WorkDoneMinutes

  • ( didn't notice it the extra pages of posts )

    assuming the begin and end fields are datetimes....

    select Client_Rep, datediff(mi, s, e) minsInWork, d minsWorked, datediff(mi, s, e) - d breakTime



     select  Client_Rep,

      min(Begin_Work)as s,

      max(End_Work) as e,

      sum(datediff(mi, Begin_Work, End_Work)) d


      --DateDiff(mi,Begin_Work, End_Work)

     from tblTimes

     group by Client_Rep

    &nbsp t

    where (datediff(mi, s, e) - d) > 30


  • Hello Tia, I simplify your example with translation time values to a decimal values (time 9.45 is decimal 9.75)

    Run this script

    Declare @Table table (Client_Rep  varchar(50), Begin_Work decimal (5,2), End_Work decimal (5,2))

    Insert into @table (Client_Rep, Begin_Work, End_Work) values ('Vitalio Arini', 9.00, 9.75)

    Insert into @table (Client_Rep, Begin_Work, End_Work) values ('Vitalio Arini', 10.00, 12.00)

    Insert into @table (Client_Rep, Begin_Work, End_Work) values ('Nino Verto', 8.50, 11.00)

    Insert into @table (Client_Rep, Begin_Work, End_Work) values ('Vitalio Arini', 14.50, 17.00)

    Insert into @table (Client_Rep, Begin_Work, End_Work) values ('Nino Verto', 15.00, 17.00)

    Insert into @table (Client_Rep, Begin_Work, End_Work) values ('Ken Coles', 9.00, 12.50)

    Insert into @table (Client_Rep, Begin_Work, End_Work) values ('Ken Coles', 13.00, 17.00)

    select * from @Table

    -- key solution

    select *,

     (select Min (B.Begin_Work)

     from @Table as B

     where B.Client_Rep = A.Client_Rep

     and B.Begin_Work > A.End_Work) as Next_Work

    from @Table as A

    -- complex solution

    select *



     select Client_Rep, Sum (Break_Work) as Break_Time


      (select Client_Rep,

       (select Min (B.Begin_Work)

       from @Table as B

       where B.Client_Rep = A.Client_Rep

       and B.Begin_Work > A.End_Work) - A.End_Work as Break_Work

       from @Table as A

     &nbsp  C

     group by Client_Rep

    ) D

    where Break_Time > 1

    order by Break_Time desc

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