Need help with query.

  • Would someone please help me construct a query that would result in returning a single amount that is the total of the amount columns in two tables for a specified customer number?


    Table #1: AR_Transactions

    Table #2: AR _Post_Dates


    Both tables have the following two columns:


    Amount (money)


    I need to retrieve the total of the amount columns in both tables for a specified customer number.


    Thank you,



  • select (select  sum(Amount)

              from  AR_Transactions

             where  Customer_Number = @C) +

            (select sum(Amount)

              from  AR_Post_Dates

             where  Customer_Number = @C)

  • Mike:

    Superb...It works perfectly.

    Thank you very much for the help.


  • Mike:

    I just found a problem with your query:

    select (select  sum(Amount)

              from  AR_Transactions

             where  Customer_Number = @C) +

            (select sum(Amount)

              from  AR_Post_Dates

             where  Customer_Number = @C)

    If there are no entries in the AR_Post_Dates table but entries exist in the AR_Transaction table, the answer returned is null.

    Is there a way to return the total for all three scenarios:

    Entries in the AR_Transaction table but not entries in the AR_Post_Dates table.

    No entries in the AR_Transaction table but entries in the AR_Post_Dates table.

    Entries in both tables which currently works.



  • doh! 

    Need to wrap sum(...) or (select...) within isnull(), e.g.

    select isnull((select  sum(Amount)

              from  AR_Transactions

             where  Customer_Number = @C), 0) +

            isnull((select sum(Amount)

              from  AR_Post_Dates

             where  Customer_Number = @C), 0)

  • Howard,

    The problem is that NULL plus anything is NULL. You can use ISNULL (refer to the Books OnLine for more information).

    select ISNULL((select  sum(Amount)

              from  AR_Transactions

             where  Customer_Number = @C),0) +

            ISNULL((select sum(Amount)

              from  AR_Post_Dates

             where  Customer_Number = @C),0)

    I haven't tested it, but the syntax is correct. ISNULL will evaluate an expression (in this case it's the sub-SELECT) and if it returns NULL it will change it to 0. (In addition or subtraction you want to use 0, since 0 plus a number equals that number. In multiplication or division you want to use 1).


  • Thank you. This will work just fine.


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