Need help with query

  • Hello,

    I need to build a query the transforms columns data into columns, i didn't figure out a way of doing it wiithout using cursors.... 


    Source table:

    Document     User     DocType

    1                 Mike     Type1

    2                 Kevin    Type1

    3                 Kevin    Type1

    4                 Zoe      Type2

    5                 Zoe      Type3


    Query output:

    User          Type1     Type2   Type3

    Mike           1            0         0

    Kevin          2            0         0

    Zoe            0             1         1

    I would apreciate any ideas.



  • select User

     , SuM(Case when DocType ='Type1' then 1 ELSE 0 END) as Type1

     , SuM(Case when DocType ='Type2' then 1 ELSE 0 END) as Type2

     , SuM(Case when DocType ='Type3' then 1 ELSE 0 END) as Type3



    GROUP By User

    * Noel

  • Nice!

    Thanks noeld for your help.

    DocTypes can be added by clients, so I will create a cursor to build a dynamic version of the query you suggested.



  • You May Not need a Cursor. If All that is dynamic is just the "Types"

    then You could:

    Declare @STR varchar(8000)

    SET @STR ='Select User'

    SELECT @STR = @STR +  , 'SuM(Case when DocType =''' + strType +''' then 1 ELSE 0 END) as ' + strType

    FROM (

              SELECT DISTINCT Cast(Type as varchar) as strType

               FROM TypeSource

               ) Q

    Set @STR = @STR +' FROM SourceTable GROUP By User '

    Exec (@str)


    * Noel

  • I really have to visit this forum more often!

    Thanks a lot!

  • You're WELCOME

    * Noel

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