Need Help with Crystal Reports 10 error

  • I am a newbie to crystal reports. I am using Crystal Reports 10 with sql server 2000. After inputing my parameters ( state date & end date) I get the following error message:  << Query Engine Error: '22018 Ms ODBC Sql Server Driver) syntax error converting the varchar value 'R155191' to a column of data type int,' failed to open a rowset.  Error in file c:\windows\temp\[{4219xxxxxxx}.rpt. >>

    Can anyone tell me what it means and how to fix it? thanks in advance.




  • Looks like the parameters are in the wrong order... or the wrong datatype.

  • Are you using an SP or View? Is it comparing columns (i.e. Column A= Column B)? Are they both INT datatype? Find out what column that value appears in and see if that column is being used in the query anywhere in a comparison or other function that would be causing SQL to try to convert it to INT.


  • Try this in QA:

    select 1 where 1 = 'A'

    You get the same error message (minus the Crystal error number and description).  I would suggest that the problem is with the query or SProc, and has nothing to do with Crystal. Try running the data access statement from QA and see what you get.  If it repeats there, you can be assured that it is in the query or SProc or whatever.


  • sounds like you are joining a varchar/char and a number column to make your result set.  ie select 'Item: ' + ItemNumber.  you need to convert ItemNumber to a character string before you can join the values together.

    Select 'item: ' + convert(varchar(20),itemnumber)

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