Need help with Change Control (i.e. Implementing Sourcesafe)

  • Does anyone know of a good clean tool that enables sourcesafe type control over sqlserver database objects.  Specifically Tables, Views, and Stored Procedures. 

    I know the VS.Net has something for stored procedures that integrates with sourcesafe, but it doesn't do tables or views.  There are other products like dbGhost, which do more than what I want.  Basically I just want Sourcesafe integrated with Enterprise Manager in a usable way, so that people actually use it. 

    I've tried the practice of exporting script, and import to sourcesafe, but it's so time consuming that people aren't doing it reliably.  In a perfect world the user would check in and out from enterprise manager or something that looks very similar.  Also the back end database for change control would be SourceSafe as it is a known comoditiy. 

    I'm hoping someone has a suggestion for a truely usable tool.  Thanks so much in advance for your help!!!



  • There is no integration with EM. The only way I've been able to do this is remove rights from the dev server and designate someone to make changes. This way you have a choke point for all changes to go through. Then people can check out and open in QA, make changes, save, check in.

    The other alternative is to remove rights for things that move to test/production and ONLY pull changes from the VSS store. This way if things aren't checked in, then they won't get moved and you can generate administrative pushback on people.

    I hate to say it, but there is no good way to do this. Perhaps in SQL 2005 it wil change.

    There are products out there, xmssql, Embarkadero tools, etc., that integrate somewhat with VSS, but you have to force people to use them and buy them. Not that they're not worth it, but they can be pricey.

  • Hi,

    We had a similar issue and have chosen to use sqlXpress IDE it replaces most functions of Enterprise Manager and Query Analyser and more importantly allows you to put all the sql objects you mentioned under source control in VSS.

    The company can be found at



    Hope this is info is of some use

    Barry Harding

  • We use a tool called SourceControl 2003, not expensive and does the job well, worth a look i would say

  • There are probably many good resons for implementing a dev tool to link directly to VSS & SQL Server.  The SQL Studio IDE in Yukon also looks promising as it will provide more of a SQL dev workbench.  But, we have around 60 developers & things work fine using Query Analyzer.  We associate .sql files with QA & open them directly from VSS.  The important thing is to ensure the integrity of what ends up in VSS.  We use a simple yet powerful process (DB Ghost) to regularly build & verify compilation of our database code.  We know almost immediately what is broken & who broke it.  And with the link to VSS, the standard of our SQL code has improved.


  • see ApexSQL Edit

    Brian Lockwood
    ApexSQL - SQL Developer Essentials

    Stand up for an Independent SQL Community - be Informed

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