need help with a query

  • I have a tables as follows :

    Visit_Id Med_Id DateDescDosage Qty Value Doctor

    6898108552 07-08-2008 XXX2 days 118John

    6898109219 07-08-2008XXX7 days 217.5John

    6898109024 07-12-2008XXX10 days 241.5John

    1234A123 07-08-2008 XXX 7 days 16.5Mark

    1234B123 07-08-2008 XXX7 days 16.5Mark

    I want to find for the same visit id which doctor is prescribing a medicine on a different date.For example in the above table Dr John for the visit id 689810 is prescribing medcine on 12th july also.(the date is automatically captured during data entry.

  • So what would you want the results to look like for this sample data?

    Ryan Randall

    Solutions are easy. Understanding the problem, now, that's the hard part.

  • The query should fetch the all the visit-ids which is for another date like below for the sample data I gave.

    Visit_Id Med_Id Date Desc Dosage Qty Value Doctor

    689810 9024 07-12-2008 XXX 10 days 2 41.5 John

  • Could you add more examples in order to undertand what you are trying to do?

    Find the doctor that prescribed in the last date?

    Find diferent dates of prescribing in a visit?

    Find all the doctor that prescribin in a visit?

  • mathewspsimon (7/16/2008)

    The query should fetch the all the visit-ids which is for another date like below for the sample data I gave.

    Visit_Id Med_Id Date Desc Dosage Qty Value Doctor

    689810 9024 07-12-2008 XXX 10 days 2 41.5 John

    Thanks. This is what I think you're asking for...

    --sample data

    declare @t table (Visit_Id int, Med_Id varchar(5), Date datetime, [Desc] varchar(10), Dosage varchar(10), Qty int, Value decimal(5, 2), Doctor varchar(10))

    insert @t

    select 689810, '8552', '07-08-2008', 'XXX', '2 days', 1, 18, 'John'

    union all select 689810, '9219', '07-08-2008', 'XXX', '7 days', 2, 17.5, 'John'

    union all select 689810, '9024', '07-12-2008', 'XXX', '10 days', 2, 41.5, 'John'

    union all select 1234, 'A123', '07-08-2008', 'XXX', '7 days', 1, 6.5, 'Mark'

    union all select 1234, 'B123', '07-08-2008', 'XXX', '7 days', 1, 6.5, 'Mark'

    --query (the bit you need)

    select * from @t a where not exists

    (select * from @t group by visit_id having visit_id = a.visit_id and min(date) =

    /* results

    Visit_Id Med_Id Date Desc Dosage Qty Value Doctor

    ----------- ------ ----------------------- ------- ---------- ------- -------- ----------

    689810 9024 2008-07-12 00:00:00.000 XXX 10 days 2 41.50 John


    Ryan Randall

    Solutions are easy. Understanding the problem, now, that's the hard part.

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