Need help - SSIS Tasks

  • As part of a container, I have several tasks that do the following: let's say task1 truncates table A. Next, task2 runs a data flow from some table to that table A. After that, Task 3 runs another dataflow from table A into table B. All tasks are connected by single constraints, all set to "Success". All tasks have OnPreExecute and OnPostExecute events which run a SP, adding an entries into a log table. What happens is that table B gets zero rows appended from table A, even though table A gets loaded after the truncate.

    The log shows that the tasks do start in sequence. I appears as if Task3 is running the data flow into TableB before teh table was completely loaded.

    In the data flow, Task3 was running a "select * from xx_view" in the Oledb source, I changed that to a select statement, but it didn't change anything (of course). If you run the one Task3 (separately) in BIDS it will append just fine. If run the whole container, it doesn't.

    Any suggestions? I don't know what else to try. This has only been happening in the past 2 days, someone else added another task just after all these tasks, that I'm talking about. Maybe the package has some kind of corruption, I don't know what else to think of... Thanks!

  • I reversed the last 2 tasks, the one that wasn't working and the one that was newly added, and it started working again. I guess there must be some corruption, somewhere...

    Correction to the above.. I didn't mention I also added an Email task between task2 and 3. Guess what, when I removed it, it stopped working again... even though the tasks are reversed!

  • Update: now the package runs and appends records when the email task is present. The next surprise came when I ran it as a job: it appended records, but less than expected, about 100 rows less (out of about 1500). So it runs correctly from BIDS, but not as a job.

    I guess the only advice would be throw the package away and start over?

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