• Dear all, I'm new to this site. I need help to write a query for selecting from two tables.

    I have 2 tables named ; custinvoice and dims;

    I need to write some select statement to bind two tables and display the result with the description concatenated to the respective dimensions. PLSSS HELP..

    Table - custinvoice





    TRAC111---10--- 101---10101---bagty






    RES ABS---10---101---30000---bagty

    RES ABS---20---200---20101---bagty

    RES ABS---30---301---30000---bagty

    RES ABS---20---201---20101---bagty

    Table - Dims

    DESCRIPTION---NUM--- CMPY--- level

    Ph Department--- 10 ---bagty ---0

    GG DEPT --- 20 ---bagty ---0

    MT SERVICES --- 30 ---bagty ---0

    Ph Sub1 Dpt --- 101 ---bagty ---1

    Ph Sub2 --- 102 ---bagty ---1

    MT SUB1 --- 300 ---bagty ---1

    GG SUB 1 DEPT--- 200 ---bagty ---1

    Ph Sub2 Dpt ---10101 ---bagty---2

    Ph Sub3 Dpt ---10102 ---bagty---2

    Ph Sub4 Dpt ---10103 ---bagty---2

    Ph Sub5 Dpt ---10104 ---bagty---2

    GG SUB 2 DEPT---201 ---bagty---1

    GG SUB 3 DEPT---20101 ---bagty---2

    MT SUB3 ---30000 ---bagty---2

    MT SUB2 ---301 --- bagty---1


    NAME ---DIM1 ----------- DIM --------------- DIM3 --------------- CMPY

    TRAC111---10-Ph Department---101 - Ph Sub1 Dpt---10101 - Ph Sub2 Dpt---bagty

    TRAC111---10- Ph Department---101 - Ph Sub1 Dpt---10101 - Ph Sub2 Dpt---bagty

    TRAC111---10- Ph Department---101 - Ph Sub1 Dpt---10101 - Ph Sub2 Dpt---bagty

    TRAC111---10- Ph Department---101 - Ph Sub1 Dpt---10101 - Ph Sub2 Dpt---bagty

    TRAC444---10- Ph Department---101 - Ph Sub1 Dpt---10101 - Ph Sub2 Dpt---bagty

    TRAC444---10- Ph Department---101 - Ph Sub1 Dpt---10101 - Ph Sub2 Dpt--- bagty

    TRAC111---10- Ph Department---101 - Ph Sub1 Dpt---10101 - Ph Sub2 Dpt---bagty

    TRAC444---10- Ph Department---101 - Ph Sub1 Dpt---10101 - Ph Sub2 Dpt---bagty

    TRAC444---10- Ph Department---101 - Ph Sub1 Dpt---10101 - Ph Sub2 Dpt---bagty

    RES ABS---10- Ph Department---101 - Ph Sub1 Dpt---30000 - MT SUB3 --- bagty

    RES ABS---20- GG DEPT--- 200 - GG SUB 1 DEPT---20101 - GG SUB 3 DEPT---bagty

    RES ABS---30- MT SERVICES --- 301 - MT SUB2--- 30000 - MT SUB3 --- bagty

    RES ABS---20- GG DEPT--- 201 - GG SUB 2 DEPT---20101 - GG SUB 3 DEPT---bagty

    RES ABS---10- Ph Department---102 - Ph Sub2 ---30000 - MT SUB3 -- - bagty

  • Read this to see the best way to post this to get quick responses.

    Please don't start multiple threads for the same question in future. Thanks

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • I need help to write a query for selecting from two tables.

    I have 2 tables named ; sales and dimensions;

    I need to write some select statement to bind two tables and display the result with the description concatenated to the respective dimensions. PLSSS HELP..

    ie the result should be like for all CMPY = baygt;


    SINV-0015------ORGMICRO----10:Ph Department-----101:AB Dpt---30000:Multi-----baygt

    SINV-0019------TRACLR------20:MST-------------- 201:SCaDD----20101:LAB-------baygt

    and the dimensions are concatenated with the description "10:Ph Department" , "101:AB Dpt", "30000:Mult"

    TABLECODE is as given below;

    --===== If the test table already exists, drop it

    IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..sales','U') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE sales

    --===== Create the test table sales with

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[sales](

    [INVOICEID] [nvarchar](255) NULL,

    [NAME] [nvarchar](255) NULL,

    [DIM1] [float] NULL,

    [DIM2] [float] NULL,

    [DIM3] [float] NULL,

    [CMPY] [nvarchar](255) NULL


    --===== If the test table already exists, drop it

    IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..Dimensions','U') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE Dimensions

    --===== Create the test table Dimensions with

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Dimensions](

    [DESCRIPTION] [nvarchar](255) NULL,

    [NUM] [float] NULL,

    [LEVEL] [float] NULL,

    [CMPY] [nvarchar](255) NULL,


    --===== Insert the test data into the test table sales

    INSERT INTO sales


    SELECT 'SINV-0015','ORGMICRO','10','101','30000' ,'baygt' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'SINV-0016','ORGMICRO','10','101','30000' ,'baygt' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'SINV-0017','TRACLR','10','101','10101', 'baygt' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'SINV-0018','PURECLEAN','10','101','30000', 'baygt' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'SINV-0019','TRACLR','20','201','20101', 'baygt' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'SINV-0020','TRACLR','30','301','30000', 'baygt'

    --===== Insert the test data into the test table Dimensions

    INSERT INTO Dimensions


    SELECT 'Ph Department','10','0','baygt' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'MSERVICES','30','0','baygt' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'MST','20','0','baygt' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'AB Dpt','101','1','baygt' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'SCa','102','1','baygt' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'ADM','301','1','baygt' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Act','10101','2','baygt' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Multi','30000','2','baygt' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'SCaDD','201','1','baygt' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'LAB','20101','2','baygt'

  • I guess this is what you are looking for....

    selectdistinct NAME, cast(DIM1 as varchar(10)) + '-' + b.DESCRIPTION as DIM1,

    cast(DIM2 as varchar(10)) + '-' + b.DESCRIPTION as DIM2,

    cast(DIM3 as varchar(10)) + '-' + b.DESCRIPTION as DIM3, a.CMPY

    from sales a

    join Dimensions b on a.CMPY = b.CMPY

    Abhijit -

  • Dear SSC, thanks for your fast reply. When i execute your query the rows repeats 3 times with each values of the 3 dimensions


    SINV-0015------ORGMICRO----10:Ph Department---101:Ph Department---30000:Ph Department---baygt

    SINV-0015------ORGMICRO----10:AB Dpt-----------101:AB Dpt----------30000:AB Dpt-----------baygt


    instead of the output as

    SINV-0015------ORGMICRO----10:Ph Department-----101:AB Dpt---30000:Multi-----baygt

    Please help

  • Anyone plzz help me

  • Nicky james (1/21/2011)

    Anyone plzz help me

    Gladly... you just need one join per dimension. The following code does the trick (and thanks for making it so easy with the readily consumable data you posted :-)):

    SELECT s.InvoiceID,

    ItmName = s.Name,

    Dim1 = CAST(s.Dim1 AS VARCHAR(16))+':'+d1.Description,

    Dim2 = CAST(s.Dim2 AS VARCHAR(16))+':'+d2.Description,

    Dim3 = CAST(s.Dim3 AS VARCHAR(16))+':'+d3.Description,


    FROM dbo.Sales s

    LEFT JOIN dbo.Dimensions d1 ON s.Cmpy = d1.Cmpy AND s.Dim1 = d1.Num

    LEFT JOIN dbo.Dimensions d2 ON s.Cmpy = d2.Cmpy AND s.Dim2 = d2.Num

    LEFT JOIN dbo.Dimensions d3 ON s.Cmpy = d3.Cmpy AND s.Dim3 = d3.Num

    ORDER BY s.InvoiceID

    As a side bar, why are you using the FLOAT datatype to store (apparently) INTEGER data? It seems like a great waste of bytes.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

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