Need Help on sql server

  • Hi Friends,

    I have to run a script on a database.

    This will take long time. If the query is not completing in my shift shall close the ssms or RDP....

    bcoz if I close the ssms it is saying that ' The query is currently executing do you want to cancel the query' .

    please help me on this to understand.



    ***Share your knowledge.It’s a way to achieve immortality----Dalai Lama***

  • What SSMS is saying is that you have a query running and closing SSMS will abort it. If you have a query that takes a long time to run, you have to let it finish. The question of why the query is taking so long is another story. Did you write it? Do you know what it's doing?

  • Ed thanks for the reply.

    Yes i know what the script is doing. I am new to SQL Server. I want to run this script on a server. If it delays i need to ask the next shift guy to look in to it. So, my question is to keep the query running what have to do....

    hope you understood my question

    ***Share your knowledge.It’s a way to achieve immortality----Dalai Lama***

  • To keep the query running, you don't have to do anything except let it run. The next guy (who will need the password to the machine to be able to unlock it) will be able to sit down and see the results of the query.

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