July 30, 2010 at 12:08 pm
I have a table of Case Numbers and Doctors involved in the case. There could be any number of docs. My users want me to add two docs to an existing report that is one row per case. My problem is the source table has no sequence number or anything to use as a sequence. I can't seem to figure out how to limit my result to just up to two docs per case. If I could get the proper results in a temp table I can incorporate it into the stored proc that compiles the report.
Table is like this:
create table #tmp(caseid int, doc varchar(10))
insertinto #tmp
select 12345, 'DrSmith'
union all
select 12345, 'DrJones'
union all
select 12345, 'DrWilson'
union all
select 12348, 'DrSmith'
union all
select 12349, 'DrSmith'
union all
select 12349, 'DrWaters'
--expected result:
12345 DrSmith
12345 DrJones
12348 DrSmith
12349 DrSmith
12349 DrWaters
1 12345 DrSmith
2 12345 DrJones
1 12348 DrSmith
1 12349 DrSmith
2 12349 DrWaters
Thanks for all your help.
August 2, 2010 at 9:26 am
I can do this with a cursor, I just thought there must be a better way.
create table #temp_surg_res(caseid int not null, res varchar(25) not null)
create clustered index ix_caseid on #temp_surg_res(caseid)
insertinto #temp_surg_res
select 12345, 'DrSmith'
union all
select 12345, 'DrJones'
union all
select 12345, 'DrWilson'
union all
select 12348, 'DrSmith'
union all
select 12349, 'DrSmith'
union all
select 12349, 'DrWaters'
declare @i int, @cid int, @res varchar(25), @ocid int
select @i = 0, @ocid = 0
declare res_cur cursor for
select caseid, res
from #temp_surg_res
open res_cur
fetch next from res_cur into @cid, @res
while (@@fetch_status = 0)
if @cid <> @ocid
set @i=1
select @cid, substring(@res,1,25), @i
if @cid = @ocid and @i=1 select @cid, substring(@res,1,25), @i
if @cid = @ocid and @i=2 select @cid, substring(@res,1,25), @i
select @i = @i+1
select @ocid = @cid
fetch next from res_cur into @cid, @res
close res_cur
deallocate res_cur
August 2, 2010 at 9:48 am
Can't we use distinct............
August 2, 2010 at 9:55 am
Please confirm that you're using SQL2000 and not 2005 or 2008.
If SQL2000: can we add one more column to the temp table as well as a clustered index?
August 2, 2010 at 10:17 am
Its a SQL2000 system. Yes, any number of columns or indexes can be added to the temp table. That's what I did in my cursor example so that the caseid numbers were sequential. Also, within the cursor I did a select to display and troubleshoot the results. In production, they would be inserted into another temp table. Then doc 1 and doc 2 would be selected out, joined on the caseid number.
Here's the results of the cursor on the sample data:
12345 DrSmith 1
12345 DrJones 2
12348 DrSmith 1
12349 DrSmith 1
12349 DrWaters 2
This would all get incorporated into a stored procedure I have that compiles this 125+ column report (DTS'ed to a .xls).
The report is for a single month, so its not a very large dataset the cursor has to go through. Usually ~3000 rows or so. A curser in this situation would not be a performance issue. I just figure there's a better way and for the life of me I can't figure it out.
August 2, 2010 at 12:53 pm
I was hoping you just selected the wrong forum to post in so we could use ROW_NUMBER()...
But since you're at SQL2000 I would use the "quirky update method" as described in Jeff's great article[/url]. (Side note: it's important to read, understand and completely follow the rules described in the article. Otherwise you might end up with unexpected results...
The solution below will number all doc's per caseid. This makes it easy to change the final select to return the TOP(x) instead of TOP(2). Please note that the "ranking" will use the new ID column. If that's not what you're looking for, the clustered index need to be changed, too.
CREATE TABLE #tmp(id INT IDENTITY(1,1), caseid INT, doc VARCHAR(10),pos INT)
INSERT INTO #tmp(caseid,doc)
SELECT 12345, 'DrSmith'
SELECT 12345, 'DrJones'
SELECT 12345, 'DrWilson'
SELECT 12348, 'DrSmith'
SELECT 12349, 'DrSmith'
SELECT 12349, 'DrWaters'
-- begin of quirky update method
CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX Idx1 ON #tmp(caseid,id); --IMPORTANT!! see the link for details!!
@valid_counter INT,
@running_caseid INT
@valid_counter = pos = CASE WHEN @running_caseid = caseid THEN @valid_counter + 1 ELSE 1 END,
@running_caseid = caseid
FROM #tmp WITH (TABLOCKX) --IMPORTANT!! see the link for details!!
OPTION (MAXDOP 1) --IMPORTANT!! see the link for details!!
FROM #tmp
WHERE pos < 3
August 2, 2010 at 12:58 pm
I'm confused by this part of the narrative:
" I have a table of Case Numbers and Doctors involved in the case. There could be any number of docs. My users want me to add two docs to an existing report that is one row per case.
If there's a case with more than two doctors, how do you choose the two doctors displayed? If your report grain is one row per case, I'm confused that the target outcome is one or two rows per case. If there is an attribute of doctors (or an attribute of the doctor-case relationship) that you should select from, the problem should resolve itself. If the choice of doctors is arbitrary and limited to two, how about:
Select caseid, min(res) as Doc1, max(res) as doc2 from #temp_surg_res
group by caseid
having min(res) <> max(res)
select caseid, min(res) as doc1, '' as doc2 from #temp_surg_res
group by caseid
having min(res) = max(res)
August 2, 2010 at 1:49 pm
You are correct, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. This is a vendor system and many secondary case participants stored by their "role". For example, I have the first and second nurse anesthetist in the report, but they are stored by their role "CRNA-1" and "CRNA-2". But the Surgical Residents I'm after now are stored by role "SURG RESIDENT" and there can be any number. I guess the input screens allow an unlimited entry. I've built views to get each of the secondary case participants, but this is the first where more than one per case can be returned. When I told the users we need to cap the number in order to keep the one-row-per-case format, they said a case with more than 2 surgical residents is the exception so go with two. So arbitrary, yes, but not too far out of line.
Anyway, you are also right about selecting the min and max by their name. That never occurred to me, probably because they're varchars.
Also... If I tried to put all that crap above in my original post, nobody would have replied:-).
Thanks all.
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