need help in Updating ntext field

  • Hello, I am trying to update a field that is ntext. I need to remove the last 13 charachters which are !!end-field!!. I tried the solution suggested here earlier

    CREATE TABLE #temp (rowid int,textcol ntext)

    INSERT INTO #temp values (1,'aaa bbb ccc ddd eee')

    DECLARE @from nvarchar(100), @to nvarchar(100), @pos int, @len int

    SET @from='ccc'

    SET @to='xxxxxx'

    SELECT @pos = CHARINDEX(@from,textcol)-1 FROM #temp WHERE rowid = 1

    SET @len = LEN(@from)

    DECLARE @ptrval binary(16)

    SELECT @ptrval = TEXTPTR(textcol) FROM #temp WHERE rowid = 1

    UPDATETEXT #temp.textcol @ptrval @pos @len @to

    SELECT * FROM #temp

    DROP TABLE #temp

    but it doesn't work for me get this error: Deletion length 13 is not in the range of available text, ntext, or image data.

    The statement has been terminated. This field datalenght is 20816, I cannot even output it completely in a query window. Any help is apreciated, LL

  • Try it this way. The example works, it just replaced the searched for value 'ccc' with 'xxxxxx'. To delete characters at the end, you find them and replace them with ''.

    CREATE TABLE #temp (rowid int,textcol ntext)

    INSERT INTO #temp values (1,'aaa bbb ccc ddd eee !!end field!!')

    DECLARE @from nvarchar(100), @to nvarchar(100), @pos int, @len int

    SET @from='!!end field!!'

    SET @to = '' --- don't replace with 'xxxxxx', replace with emptiness

    SELECT @pos = CHARINDEX(@from,textcol)-1 FROM #temp WHERE rowid = 1

    SET @len = LEN(@from)

    DECLARE @ptrval binary(16)

    SELECT @ptrval = TEXTPTR(textcol) FROM #temp WHERE rowid = 1

    UPDATETEXT #temp.textcol @ptrval @pos @len @to

    SELECT * FROM #temp

    DROP TABLE #temp


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    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

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