need help in this query

  • select terms.key,

    CASE plan.desc

    when  plan.desc like 'Lendered%'  then terms.amt as "Broked"

    when plan.desc  then terms.amt

    end as plandesc 

    from terms, plan

    where terms.key = plan.key and desc like 'Lendered%'


    I am trying to use cases in the statement to get the data and amount is equl to broked when desc is equal to lendered or regular amoout if desc is different then lendered




  • you did not denote what the regular amount field is.

    YOu cannot use the As "Broked" within the case statement

    select terms.key,


        when  plan.desc like 'Lendered%'  then terms.amt

        else RegularAmount

    end as plandesc 

    from terms, plan

    where terms.key = plan.key and desc like 'Lendered%'

  • Try this:

    select terms.key,


    when  plan.desc like 'Lendered%'  then terms.amt as "Broked"

    when plan.desc  then terms.amt

    end as plandesc 

    from terms, plan

    where terms.key = plan.key and desc like 'Lendered%'


    rather than:


    select terms.key,

    CASE plan.desc

    when  plan.desc like 'Lendered%'  then terms.amt as "Broked"

    when plan.desc  then terms.amt

    end as plandesc 

    from terms, plan

    where terms.key = plan.key and desc like 'Lendered%'

    DBA with an attitude

  • WIthout knowing if you have got a different fields for the brokered and regular amounts, you would need a case statement for each field to be outputed.

    The following script should get you on the right track:

    select terms.key,


    when plan.desc like 'Lendered%'

    then 'Brokered'

    else 'Regular'

    end as PlanDesc ,


    when plan.desc like 'Lendered%'

    then terms.amt/* the lendered amount */

    else terms.amt /* the regular amount, change field name is necessary */

    end as Amount

    from terms, plan

    where terms.key = plan.key


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