Need help in Generating Weekly Trading Report for each trader

  • Hi i need help in generating a weekely trading report per trader ,

    1. We have a trading table which reords TraderID and trading date

    2. I Need to Generate a trading report and disaplay trading details of each user by weekly

    a) If user trades in any day of a week mark that Week as "Yes" else "No"

    3. I'm attaching the sample Data and expected results of my query.

    Any help will be truely appriciated



    Trader INT

    ,TradingDate DATETIME


    INSERT INTO #Trade(Trader,TradingDate)

    VALUES ('200306',GETDATE())

    ,('200306',GETDATE()+ 8)






    SELECT 200306 AS Trader ,'Yes' AS '22-SEP', 'Yes' AS '15-SEP' , 'Yes' AS '08-SEP', 'Yes' AS '01-SEP', 'Yes' AS '25-AUG'from #Trade


    SELECT 200286 AS Trader ,'No' AS '22-SEP', 'No' AS '15-SEP' , 'No' AS '08-SEP', 'Yes' AS '01-SEP', 'Yes' AS '25-AUG'from #Trade

    DROP table #Trade

  • So you need to pivot the data based on the date. I'm also assuming you need a dynamic pivot because you won't know the dates when the code is run, like you do now. Here's some code that does what you have asked (I didn't format the date dd-mmm, but I think you should be able to do that if you really need it that way):



    Trader INT,

    TradingDate DATETIME


    INSERT INTO #Trade

    (Trader, TradingDate)


    ('200306', GETDATE())


    ('200306', GETDATE() - 8)


    ('200306', GETDATE() - 15)


    ('200306', GETDATE() - 24)


    ('200306', GETDATE() - 28)


    ('200286', GETDATE() - 24)


    ('200286', GETDATE() - 28)


    200306 AS Trader,

    'Yes' AS '22-SEP',

    'Yes' AS '15-SEP',

    'Yes' AS '08-SEP',

    'Yes' AS '01-SEP',

    'Yes' AS '25-AUG'





    200286 AS Trader,

    'No' AS '22-SEP',

    'No' AS '15-SEP',

    'No' AS '08-SEP',

    'Yes' AS '01-SEP',

    'Yes' AS '25-AUG'



    /* Here's the code based on Jeff Moden's Dynamic Cross Tab Article ( which

    is also a link in my signature */


    @sql1 NVARCHAR(1000),

    @sql2 NVARCHAR(2000),

    @sql3 NVARCHAR(1000),

    @completeSQL NVARCHAR(4000)

    SET @sql1 = N'SELECT

    theData.Trader,' + NCHAR(10)

    SET @sql3 = N'FROM




    LEFT(CONVERT(VARCHAR(25), TradingDate, 107), 6) AS theDay


    #Trade AS T

    ) AS theData




    theData.Trader DESC ;'


    LEFT(CONVERT(NVARCHAR(25), TradingDate, 107), 6) AS theDate


    #Trade AS T


    @sql2 = ISNULL(@sql2, '') + N'CASE WHEN SUM(CASE WHEN theData.theDay = ' +

    QUOTENAME(T.theDate, '''') + N' THEN 1

    ELSE 0 ' + N' END) > 0 THEN ''Yes''

    ELSE ''No''

    END AS [' + T.theDate + N'], ' + NCHAR(10)




    LEFT(CONVERT(NVARCHAR(25), TradingDate, 107), 6) AS theDate


    #Trade AS T

    ) AS T ORDER BY theDate DESC;

    SET @completeSQL = @sql1 + LEFT(@sql2, LEN(@sql2) - 3) + @sql3;

    EXEC sys.sp_executesql @completeSQL;

    DROP TABLE #Trade

    I had to change your source data to subtracting days from GETDATE() in order to almost match your expected output. The dates vary slightly because I'm running this the next day after you posted.

  • Hi Jack ,

    Thank you very much for your response , your example solved my issue

  • ramineni.suresh661 (9/23/2014)

    Hi Jack ,

    Thank you very much for your response , your example solved my issue

    Do you understand how it works so you can support it in the future?

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • Jeff Moden (9/23/2014)

    ramineni.suresh661 (9/23/2014)

    Hi Jack ,

    Thank you very much for your response , your example solved my issue

    Do you understand how it works so you can support it in the future?

    This is a serious question that Jeff is asking as code like his this can be almost impossible to maintain if not fully understood:-D

    Humour aside, do you need a dynamic output structure or a fixed calendar?


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