need help in Flat file db systems

  • Hello everyone, i need help .Plz tell me y we not used "Flat File database systems for our applications", actually i want to know what drawbacks of this system as compared to Relational database systems. I found some drawbacks say Indexex problem, data redundance, but my teacher told me Google and Nasa (both are so big names) used Flat File database systems at the backend, so plz tell me is this right or not?

    And give me ur ideas and viewpoints "y u using or not Flat File databases systems" but with the valid refernces. Plz critically think about it?

    As my main concern (req of my applications is the)


    2: "In my application 90% INSERT OPERATIONS"

    so is this a good approach to used FlatFile db sys or not? if yes then y ? if no then y?

    I know this question is a little bit different, so plz help me especially DBAs if any is on this group reply me asap.(And any one knows which Companies or in which applications we used Flat File db systems)

    Thanx in Advance.

  • -ACID (A Atomicity, a TXN is performed in its entirety or not at all) (C Consistency, a correct TXN takes the db from one consistant state to another) (I Isolation, until they become committed, updates by a TXN are not visible to other TXN) (D Durability, once committed changes must never be lost)


    -multi user

    -point in time recovery

    -orgenisational intelligence (sql-engine knows how to efficiently handle the file's internaly)

    - tons of books, urls, ...





    copy / paste is your aid 😉


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  • Could you give me an example of what you're calling a "flat file dbms system"? If something is truely a flat file, you have to read through it sequentially to get information you are seeking. NASA may have some left-over-from-the-60's stuff that they continue to use, and they probably have some custom object-oriented stuff that they play with, but I'd bet my firstborn child that they use a great deal of relational DBMS technology to accomplish their mission. I'd also be willing to bet that the Google search engine doesn't sequentially search their file of web pages in the couple of seconds it takes to get a response.

    The advantages of using a relational (or SQL for us purists) DBMS are many:

    Centralized data storage

    Consistent enforcement of data integrity rules

    Concurrency management

    Ability to reduce or eliminate data duplication

    Superior performance (in most applications)


    Ability to use SQL for data access

    Data independence

    to name but a few.

    What kind of application are you building? How many people will access it concurrently?

    And then again, I might be wrong ...
    David Webb

  • Thankyou so much for ur reply, Right now we call Access as a Flat File db systems . kindly tell me is there any way to restore access db if it crashed , for this have we move to the 3rd party tool ? The 1 way we share or Map the access db to save the records is this a right way or not?

    and tell me which databases comes under the Flat file db systems.

    reply me asap.

    Thanx in Advance.

  • Flat file databases are :-


    Microsoft Works

    Microsoft Access

    AppleWorks (a.k.a) ClarisWorks

    Borland Paradox

    I'm not sure about the restoration of MS-ACCESS database using the 3rd party tools. If the database is crashed the only means, is to copy the existing back-up and bring them online.

  • I'm not an Access expert, but I concur with the previous poster that all you can do is restore from the last known good backup. It's been my experience that Access databases become corrupted more often when they are very large or when a lot of people try to get concurrent access to the data. If the application has a lot of users (more than 15 or so) or a lot of data (millions of rows), then Access probably isn't the best choice to manage the data. I don't have any hard and fast evidence to support this, and I'm sure there are well-written Access applications which are function beyond the limits I've stated, but I haven't seen one in my travels.

    What error message are you getting that indicates the database is broken? Maybe we have an Access guru lurking about who can jump in and save the day.

    And then again, I might be wrong ...
    David Webb

  • The following error encountered when the Network is too slow: " Tha path of file is too deap"

    And the other problem as i post in this form earlier the corruption of file, while moving on the network coz of any error. e.g. Suddenly Shut down system and so on...

    So now tell me in these situations what can we do?

    How to restore the data can u give me some suggestions to saved the data?

    Thanx in Advance.

  • isa,

    The only way to backup the MDB file is to make copies of the MDB file itself, BUT you have to schedule a time for all users to be out of the database to ensure a "clean backup". If there is a file with an LDF extension as the same name as your MDB file, then there is a lock on the database at some level, meaning that there is a connection to it. MS Access database are *quite vulnerable* to network outages and power failures, which can cause untold amounts of data corruption up to and including complete data loss.

    If you post more information about this application, we can give better advice or recommendations.

    My hunch is that your application was developed in MS Access for around 6 to 10 users, and now either the amount of inserts or the amount of users has "outgrown" the MS Access system, or both. Depending on the version of MS Access being used there is an "Upsizing Wizard" which can help guide you to migrating your application from MS Access to SQL Server as a back end for the data. Further decisions would need to be made as to the input screens are created. There are companies that specialize in conversion MS Access to Server level RDBMS systems (SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, Etc.). There are also several books on the topic of Upsizing MS Access to SQL Server as well. If you can verify the version of MS Access the system is currently using, advice and recommendations can be made to help you with your research.

    I believe the first two links are along the lines of what you are looking for, based from what I have read about your postings. The other two links are just more information.

    1) SQL Server 2000 vs Access 2000



    Platform Comparison

    Hardware Requirements

    Software Requirements

    Price Comparison

    Features Comparison

    SQL Server 2000 and Access 2000 limts


    2) Microsoft Access or SQL Server: What's Right in Your Organization?

    NOTE: This is a link to a downloadable Word document.

    Included in this document:

    Database Needs in an Organization

    Database Evolution

    Database Challenges in an Organization

    Access versus Excel

    Database Solution Costs

    Advantages and Limitations of Access

    Exploring the Myths of Access Limitations

    Using Access Strategically

    What to Do with Access 97 Databases

    Using SQL Server Strategically

    3) Microsoft Access vs. Microsoft SQL Server 2000

    4) The comparison of Access 97/2000 with SQL Server 7.0/2000


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