need help in database backup

  • Hi,

    i had a problem . I had to take backup's from my clients database everyday and update the database in my office. the problem is my client is staying in a remote place and we didnt have any connection for their servers all we have to do is to make a back up copy them in a disk and then run them in our systems.

    how can i do this ?

    can anyone help me to sort out this ?

    Thanks in advance.


  • How big is this database and what do you have to work with as far as available media at their location (cdr, tape, diskette, etc.) that you can fully support on your end. Most will be done with



    TO DISK = 'drive:\path\backupname.bak'


    (your with parameters)

    Or TO TAPE with tape.

    But size of DB and size of media may limit you options or require some fancy concetps to do.

    Might even need to consider setting up and FTP and doing a file backup send to the FTP.

  • Due to the size of your Db backup you may have to compress your backup file.  Expect about a 66% compression ratio, I have a 6gb backup file that compresses to  2GB.  We use backup/compress/ftp/uncompress/restore every week from vendor to us to vendor.  Use either the compress command built in win2000, winzip or RAR,  I have used all of them successfully.


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