Need help getting totals by ZipCode

  • Hi all,

    I am trying to get grand total, totals of each ethnicity and percentage of each ethnicity by zipcode.

    I can get the total number by zipcode without adding the ethnicity portion to the query by using:

    SELECT Count(ChildPartyID), ResidencyZip

    FROM CaseChild

    Where programID = x

    But I need to be able to display the toal number per zip AND further break down the data by ethnicity.

    I am using the following code:

    SELECT cc.ResidencyZip as ZIP, e.EthnicityDesc,

    Count(e.EthnicityDesc) as 'Record Count',

    Convert(decimal(18,2),1.0 * COUNT(e.EthnicityDesc)/COUNT(cc.ChildPartyID) * 100) AS 'Percentage'

    FROM CaseChild cc JOIN

    Party p on cc.childPartyID = p.partyID JOIN

    Ethnicity e on p.EthnicityID = e.EthnicityID

    WHERE (cc.programID = 6)

    GROUP BY cc.ResidencyZip,e.ethnicityDesc

    ORDER BY cc.ResidencyZip

    I ge the proper totals per ethnicitydesc but all the percentages are 100% and the Count(cc.ChildPartyID) is now Equal to


    I am new at this so any help is greatly appreciated.



  • you can use a technique using SUM(CASE... to get subtotasl;

    you'll have to construct the multiple case statements to match your descriptions, i think.

    here's a prototype based on the query you posted.


    cc.ResidencyZip AS ZIP,

    COUNT(e.EthnicityDesc) AS 'Record Count',

    SUM(CASE WHEN e.EthnicityDesc = 'White' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS BENCOUNT1,

    SUM(CASE WHEN e.EthnicityDesc = 'Black' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS BENCOUNT2,

    SUM(CASE WHEN e.EthnicityDesc = 'Asian' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS BENCOUNT3,

    CONVERT(DECIMAL(18,2),1.0 * COUNT(e.EthnicityDesc)/COUNT(cc.ChildPartyID) * 100) AS 'Percentage'

    FROM CaseChild cc

    INNER JOIN Party p

    ON cc.childPartyID = p.partyID

    INNER JOIN Ethnicity e

    ON p.EthnicityID = e.EthnicityID

    WHERE (cc.programID = 6)

    GROUP BY cc.ResidencyZip

    ORDER BY cc.ResidencyZip


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  • andy 56206 (12/5/2012)

    ..I am using the following code:

    SELECT cc.ResidencyZip as ZIP, e.EthnicityDesc,

    Count(e.EthnicityDesc) as 'Record Count',

    Convert(decimal(18,2),1.0 * COUNT(e.EthnicityDesc)/COUNT(cc.ChildPartyID) * 100) AS 'Percentage'

    FROM CaseChild cc JOIN

    Party p on cc.childPartyID = p.partyID JOIN

    Ethnicity e on p.EthnicityID = e.EthnicityID

    WHERE (cc.programID = 6)

    GROUP BY cc.ResidencyZip,e.ethnicityDesc

    ORDER BY cc.ResidencyZip

    I ge the proper totals per ethnicitydesc but all the percentages are 100% and the Count(cc.ChildPartyID) is now Equal to


    the COUNT function simply counts all the rows per grouping based on your GROUP BY clause, not based on values of specific columns. If you want to calculate percents, you'd probably want to use COUNT with an OVER clause such as:

    SELECT cc.ResidencyZip as ZIP, e.EthnicityDesc,

    Count(*) as record_count,

    Convert(decimal(18,2),100.0 * COUNT(*) / COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY ResidencyZip)) AS ethnicity_percent

    FROM CaseChild cc

    JOIN Party p on cc.childPartyID = p.partyID

    JOIN Ethnicity e on p.EthnicityID = e.EthnicityID

    WHERE (cc.programID = 6)

    GROUP BY cc.ResidencyZip, e.ethnicityDesc

    ORDER BY cc.ResidencyZip

  • This is why I hesitate to post to this forum. I always seem to run into people like you.

    It was a simple question and if you do not have an answer why post!

  • please don't stop posting your questions..

    Just follow some rules ..People are happy to help you here

    Don't take anything Personally 🙂

    संकेत कोकणे

  • sanket kokane (12/10/2012)

    please don't stop posting your questions..

    Just follow some rules ..People are happy to help you here

    Don't take anything Personally 🙂

    Especially such default rude and non-constructive answers from J.CELKO.

    I think he has a template somewhere...

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