need help getting syntax error

  • hi guys

    when i parse foll. code i get syntax error near ':' (highlighted in code)

    My code is

    declare @drive as char(1)

    declare @cmd as nvarchar(4000)

    select @drive = drive1 from tracedb..drivename

    --select convert(char(25),getdate(),120) --112

    set @cmd = 'declare @cmdstr1 sysname,@cmdstr2 sysname,@t1 nvarchar(12)'+ CHAR(10)

    set @cmd = @cmd + 'select @t1= replace(replace(replace(convert(char,getdate(),120),'[font="Arial Black"]:[/font]',''),' ',''),'-','')' + CHAR(10) /*here is syntax error near ':'*/

    set @cmd = @cmd + 'set @cmdstr1=''ren '+ @drive+':\profilertrace\oldfiles\*.trc *.'' + @t1 + '''''+ CHAR(10)

    set @cmd = @cmd + 'exec master..xp_cmdshell @cmdstr1,no_output'+ CHAR(10)

    set @cmd = @cmd + 'set @cmdstr2=''move '+ @drive+':\profilertrace\oldfiles\*.* '+ @drive+':\profilertrace\oldfiles\archive\'''+ CHAR(10)

    set @cmd = @cmd + 'exec master..xp_cmdshell @cmdstr2,no_output'

    --Creating job step 5

    exec sp_add_jobstep @job_name= 'Audit Trace Job'

    ,@step_id= 5

    ,@step_name= 'Rename Files'

    ,@command= @cmd

    ,@on_success_action= 3 --Go to next step

    ,@on_fail_action= 4 --go to @on_fail_step_id

    ,@on_fail_step_id= 7


    what is the soln for this

    Sanket Ahir
    Don't run behind the success, Try to be eligible & success will run behind u......

  • Use the below line instead of the erroneous line:

    set @cmd = @cmd + 'select @t1= replace(replace(replace(convert(char,getdate(),120),'':'',''''),'' '',''''),''-'','''')' + CHAR(10) /*here is syntax error near ':'*/

    Basically since you are constructing T-SQL statements, you need to use two single quotes instead of one. Otherwise the single quote will be considered as part of the string terminator.


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