Need help getting from custom login page to Reporting Services home page

  • I have created a custom login page so our users can logon to Reporting Services using their username and password that are stored in our internal database. The problem I'm having is when they login from the custom login page it prompts for another username and password for the server that is running Reporting Services. How can I disable this from prompting this second login screen? Is that possible?

  • Anyone with any ideas.

  • Take a look at extending the security model. There is sample code on MSDN.

    In particular:

    IAuthenticationExtension Represents an authentication extension that can be used to authenticate users in Reporting Services.


    IAuthorizationExtension Represents an authorization extension that can be used to provide a way to authorize users in Reporting Services.


    We are the pilgrims, master.
    We shall go always, a little further.

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