Need Help: Error - A connection could not be made to the report server

  • Hi there,

    I am trying to deploy reports using Visual Studio .NET 2003 in my workstation and I encountered this error "A connection could not be made to the report server".

    I tried to deploy it using the report server and no problem occurred.

    Any help will be very much appreciated.


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  • Are you deploying the reports via VS.Net to your own Reportserver (i.e. targetURL set to http://localhost/ReportServer), or to another server on the network? It's just that I too had the problem you described when I tried to deploy the reports to another server.

    After several hours trawling the newsgroups to no avail, one of the IT guys informed me that the network virus scan installed on client machines was the problem! Apparently the Virus scan enforced several port blocking and file and folder blocking policies, in particular upoloading files via HTTP and FTP! If your symptoms are similar to mine, I suggest you check out your virus scan settings.

    Remember, the message "A connection could not be made to the report Server" is more likely to suggest a problem with your workstation, rather than the report server

  • Please make sure that the SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services should be installed on SQL server machine. In fact, you should install Visual Studio .Net  on same server otherwise you fail to install SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services.

  • I have the same problem someone could help me because I do not understand anything, I tried several situations but anything performed, thanks

  • "..the network virus scan installed on client machines was the problem! Apparently the Virus scan enforced several port blocking and file and folder blocking policies, in particular upoloading files via HTTP and FTP! If your symptoms are similar to mine, I suggest you check out your virus scan settings..."

    I have similar problem, I starded having this issue after I ran the virus scan. How would I fix this issue. Change virus scan settings.

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