Need help displaying verticle data horizontally.

  • Hi all,

    Here's the thing. We have a system where products are sold by size and the data is kept vertically. We use "Size Scales" that define the sizes.

    Here's a short piece of code that will create a sample size scale.

    Create Table SizeScaleHead


    SizeScaleCode char(10),

    SizeScaleDesc char(50)


    Insert into SizeScaleHead select 'ScaleA', 'Whatever is scale A'

    Create Table SizeScaleDetail


    SizeScaleCode char(10),

    SizeCodeSeq int,

    SizeDesc char(5)


    Insert into SizeScaleDetail

    select 'ScaleA',1, '30'

    union all

    select 'ScaleA',2, '31'

    union all

    select 'ScaleA',3, '32'

    union all

    select 'ScaleA',4, '33'

    union all

    select 'ScaleA',5, '34'

    union all

    select 'ScaleA',6, '35'

    union all

    select 'ScaleA',7, '36'

    select * from sizescalehead

    select * from sizescaledetail

    SizeScaleCode SizeScaleDesc

    ------------- --------------------------------------------------

    ScaleA Whatever is scale A

    SizeScaleCode SizeCodeSeq SizeDesc

    ------------- ----------- --------

    ScaleA 1 30

    ScaleA 2 31

    ScaleA 3 32

    ScaleA 4 33

    ScaleA 5 34

    ScaleA 6 35

    ScaleA 7 36

    These scales are used everywhere in our systems since everything is produced, sold and invoiced by size. Since the data is stored horizontally, there is no data for a size that isn't produced/invoiced for a particular order so 2 invoice detail records from different invoices could look like this.







    I need to display this data horizontally on reports, text files or web sites. I'm trying to write a procedure to which I would pass a table variable which would return a single record with horizontal data. We have 30 sizes in our scales so the procedure should return 30 columns with the quantities for each size in it's corresponding column. Using my 7 sizes sample, if I ran the procedure for invoice # 1 I should end up with a table variable containing 7 columns and 1 record with the values 10,10,0,10,0,0,0.

    That's the challenge, I don't know how to this in T-SQL.

  • There's a couple of ways to handle this, but nothing that's particularly elegant. I would normally suggest handling this in the presentation layer. Nevertheless, here's a quick and dirty way of doing what you need:

    Create Table sizeInvoice (invoiceNo int, int, qty int);

    Insert Into sizeInvoice

    Select 1, 30, 10 Union All

    Select 1, 31, 10 Union All

    Select 1, 33, 10

    Select invoiceNo

    , Sum(Case When = 30 Then qty Else 0 End) As 'size_30'

    , Sum(Case When = 31 Then qty Else 0 End) As 'size_31'

    , Sum(Case When = 32 Then qty Else 0 End) As 'size_32'

    , Sum(Case When = 33 Then qty Else 0 End) As 'size_33'

    From sizeInvoice

    Group By invoiceNo;

    You could also possibly solve this problem using pivot tables or prepared (dynamic) SQL statements.

  • Michelle, thanks for your reply. However I can't do it this way, I need this to be linked to the SizeScale table because we're using different scales for different products. Certain products are made in sizes like 30,31,32 etc while others could be S,M,L,XL and so on.

    I could have records in my invoice detail like:

    InvoiceNo,Product, Size, Qty





    When flipping the data to make it horizontal I need to do it in relation to the sizescales table, the sequence number of the sizescale table will become the column number of my horizontal data.

    Sorry I didn't make this clearer in my first post.

  • I've created a better script to provide test data.

    IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[SizeScaleDetail]') AND type in (N'U'))

    DROP TABLE [dbo].[SizeScaleDetail]


    IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[SizeScaleHeader]') AND type in (N'U'))

    DROP TABLE [dbo].[SizeScaleHeader]


    IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[InvDetail]') AND type in (N'U'))

    DROP TABLE [dbo].[InvDetail]


    Create Table SizeScaleHeader


    ScaleCode char(5),

    ScaleDesc char(20)


    Create Table SizeScaleDetail


    ScaleCode char(50),

    SizeSeq int,

    SizeCode char(5)


    Insert Into SizeScaleHeader

    Select 'A', 'Scale A' union all

    Select 'B', 'Scale B' union all

    Select 'C', 'Scale C'

    Insert into SizeScaleDetail

    select 'A' ,1, '30' union all

    select 'A' ,2, '32' union all

    select 'A' ,3, '34' union all

    select 'A' ,4, '36' union all

    select 'A' ,5, '38' union all

    select 'B', 1, 'S' union all

    select 'B', 2, 'M' union all

    select 'B', 3, 'L' union all

    select 'B', 4, 'XL' union all

    select 'C', 1, '5' union all

    select 'C', 2, '6' union all

    select 'C', 3, '7'

    Create Table InvDetail


    InvNo int,

    ProductID Char(2),

    Size char(5),

    Quantity int


    Insert Into InvDetail

    Select 1, 'P1', '30', 1 union all

    Select 1, 'P1', '32', 2 union all

    Select 1, 'P1', '34', 3 union all

    Select 1, 'P1', '36', 4 union all

    Select 2, 'P1', '30', 10 union all

    Select 2, 'P1', '32', 20 union all

    Select 2, 'P1', '36', 30 union all

    Select 3, 'P2', 'S', 100 union all

    Select 3, 'P2', 'M', 200 union all

    Select 3, 'P2', 'L', 300 union all

    Select 4, 'P2', 'XL', 400 union all

    Select 4, 'P2', 'M', 1000 union all

    Select 4, 'P2', 'L', 2000 union all

    Select 4, 'P2', 'XL', 3000

    The presentation of the data needs to be like this

    1, 'P1', 1, 2, 3, 4, 0

    2, 'P1', 10, 20, 0, 30, 0

    3, 'P2', 100, 200, 300, 0

    4, 'P2', 0, 1000, 2000, 3000

    So from the invoicedetail record I need to link to the sizescale table with the size from the invoice and the scale of the product, get the sequence number and put the quantity in the corresponding column. In my invoice #2, I have a 0 in column 3 and a 30 in column 4 because my 30 units are for size '36' which is the 4th size in the scale in which P1 is produced.

    And I just found out that there's an extra difficulty......SQL 2005 doesn't allow passing table variables to a procedure. I was hoping I could create some universal code that would "horizontalize" anything but I'll look into it later. Right now I'll be happy if I can just find a way of doing it.

  • A little advice try to do the pivoting on the client-side.

    * Noel

  • I'm playing with the idea of approaching it from the SizeScale table instead of the Invoice Table. For weeks now I've been trying to come up with a nice way of taking my vertical data and build a horizontal array from it but maybe I should build the record first, using the sizescale itself and run a loop to populate the buckets with the sizes I need.

    That will require some dynamic SQL but it's certainly better than using a "curse her".

  • How about a pivot table?

    Select invNo, productID, [1] As col1, [2] As col2, [3] As col3, [4] As col4, 5 As [col5]

    From (

    Select invNo, productID, sizeSeq, Quantity

    From dbo.SizeScaleDetail As ssd With (NoLock)

    Join dbo.InvDetail As id With (NoLock)

    On ssd.sizeCode = id.

    ) x




    For sizeSeq In ([1], [2], [3], [4], [5])

    ) As pvt

  • select invNo,productID

    ,sum(case when sizeSeq = 1 then quantity else 0 end) as SizeSeq1

    ,sum(case when sizeSeq = 2 then quantity else 0 end) as SizeSeq2

    ,sum(case when sizeSeq = 3 then quantity else 0 end) as SizeSeq3

    ,sum(case when sizeSeq = 4 then quantity else 0 end) as SizeSeq4

    ,sum(case when sizeSeq = 5 then quantity else 0 end) as SizeSeq5

    from #invDetail i

    join #sizeScaleDetail s on s.sizeCode = i.size

    group by invno,productID


    Note: the above gives 3400, not 3000, as the quantity for SizeSeq4 on invoice #4. Am I misunderstanding what you want, or did your example output have a typo?


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • eric (11/10/2008)

    The presentation of the data needs to be like this

    1, 'P1', 1, 2, 3, 4, 0

    2, 'P1', 10, 20, 0, 30, 0

    3, 'P2', 100, 200, 300, 0

    4, 'P2', 0, 1000, 2000, 3000

    Do you need the commas and the single quotes in the output?

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
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    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

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  • No Jeff, I only put it there for ease of read.

    Michelle's I tried your latest suggestion. I had looked into using a pivot before but couldn't make it work. Your code does better than mine which would not event pass the syntax checking but there's a problem in the results. The last column keeps the value of 5 (from the first record ?) for the orders that have have nothing in the 5th size.

    bhovious, your code seems to work well, I will have to try it later with real data and all the other columns that are involved as the ProductID in the invoice detail is actually 5 different fields (ProductCode, Color etc) but I don't see why it wouldn't work.

    I'll get back to you later and let you know how well it does.

  • Hi eric,

    u can try this.................

    select invno,ProductID,

    (Select sum(case when size='30' then Quantity else 0 end )) as '30',

    (Select sum(case when size='32' then Quantity else 0 end )) as '32',

    (select sum(case when size='34' then Quantity else 0 end )) as '34',

    (Select sum(case when size='36' then Quantity else 0 end )) as '36',

    (Select sum(case when size='S'then Quantity else 0 end )) as 'S',

    (Select sum(case when size='M'then Quantity else 0 end )) as 'M',

    (Select sum(case when size='L'then Quantity else 0 end )) as 'L',

    (Select sum(case when size='XL' then Quantity else 0 end )) as 'XL'

    From invdetail

    group by invno,ProductID


  • Hi Shailesh,

    That's similar to bhovious' solution but yours requires that I know the sizes which are in a table. If the sizescales are modified it would no longer work.

  • Hi Eric,

    Sorry, I had a typo. Basically, the last column showed "5" instead of "[5]", so a static value of 5 was being filled down. It's supposed to be NULL to illustrate what would happen if no inventory is available in that size. Here's the updated code:

    Select invNo, productID, [1] As col1, [2] As col2, [3] As col3, [4] As col4, [5] As [col5]

    From (

    Select invNo, productID, sizeSeq, Quantity

    From dbo.SizeScaleDetail As ssd With (NoLock)

    Join dbo.InvDetail As id With (NoLock)

    On ssd.sizeCode = id.

    ) x




    For sizeSeq In ([1], [2], [3], [4], [5])

    ) As pvt

  • Thanks Michelle,

    I should have paid more attention, I didn't see it.

  • Eric, it sounds as if you want to have variable number of columns in the output.

    If that is the case you would need to make a dynamic pivot.

    Let me know if that's what you need.

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