Need help displaying data

  • I having trouble figuring out how to display a certain dataset the way a customer wants it. basically My script returns 10 columns of data. The first 5 columns are duplicate/non-unique values, and the last 5 are unique. Example of current output

    Accountname Booknumber Bookname

    StoreOne 1 A1

    StoreOne 2 A2

    StoreOne 3 A3

    StoreOne 4 A4

    StoreOne 5 A5

    StoreFive 1 A1

    StoreFive 2 A2

    StoreFive 3 A3

    StoreFive 4 A4

    StoreFive 5 A5

    The customer wants to see the data presented like this:

    Accountname Booknumber Bookname

    StoreOne 1 A1

    2 A2

    3 A3

    4 A4

    5 A5

    StoreFive 1 A1

    2 A2

    3 A3

    4 A4

    5 A5

    How can I make the 'AccountName' column display the store name once, and not appear on every line with a unique value?

    Thanks in advance.

  • The formatting I put in the post got messed up, so I hope it makes sense what I'm trying to do.

  • You can't do this in T-SQL, or not in any way that would make sense for a report. Typically the front end for your reporting would ignore the repetitions. How are you displaying the report?

  • Hi Steve,

    I'm executing the script manually and saving results to file (.xls)

    I really wanted to modify the script so I could avoid any manual work on the excel file.

    Could I accomplish this with SSIS?

  • Perhaps, really this is a row by row operation, checking for a change in the first column, and if there isn't one, rewriting it with a blank.

    I'll put out a note to see if anyone has a quick answer for this. My guess is there's some row_number query looking for the previous row that will work. It won't be efficient, and if this is run often, it would be an issue.

  • Thanks for your help, Steve. This report would be run every week against a UAT instance of one of our production databases, so efficiency is not critical

  • I don't know if this is going to work for you. If you displaying the data in a report you should have the report to deal with it. If you export it to excel or use somekind of data grid this might work



    Accountname VARCHAR(10),

    Booknumber INT,

    Bookname VARCHAR(20)


    INSERT INTO test (Accountname , Booknumber, Bookname) VALUES ('StoreOne', 1 ,'A1')

    INSERT INTO test (Accountname , Booknumber, Bookname) VALUES ('StoreOne', 2 ,'A2')

    INSERT INTO test (Accountname , Booknumber, Bookname) VALUES ('StoreOne', 3 ,'A3')

    INSERT INTO test (Accountname , Booknumber, Bookname) VALUES ('StoreOne', 4 ,'A4')

    INSERT INTO test (Accountname , Booknumber, Bookname) VALUES ('StoreOne', 5 ,'A5')

    INSERT INTO test (Accountname , Booknumber, Bookname) VALUES ('StoreFive', 1 ,'A1')

    INSERT INTO test (Accountname , Booknumber, Bookname) VALUES ('StoreFive', 2 ,'A2')

    INSERT INTO test (Accountname , Booknumber, Bookname) VALUES ('StoreFive', 3 ,'A3')

    INSERT INTO test (Accountname , Booknumber, Bookname) VALUES ('StoreFive', 4 ,'A4')

    INSERT INTO test (Accountname , Booknumber, Bookname) VALUES ('StoreFive', 5 ,'A5')



    WHEN ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY Accountname ORDER BY Booknumber DESC) = 1 THEN Accountname

    ELSE ''

    END AS 'Accountname',

    Booknumber, Bookname

    FROM test

    [font="Verdana"]Nothing is impossible.
    It is just a matter of time and money.[/font]

  • Try this and this if this gets you what you want. I included my create and insert scripts too. 😉

    create table Account


    Accountname varchar(50),

    Booknumber int,

    Bookname varchar(50)


    insert account select 'StoreOne', 1, 'A1'

    insert account select 'StoreOne', 2, 'A2'

    insert account select 'StoreOne', 3, 'A3'

    insert account select 'StoreOne', 4, 'A4'

    insert account select 'StoreOne', 5, 'A5'

    insert account select 'StoreFive', 1, 'A1'

    insert account select 'StoreFive', 2, 'A2'

    insert account select 'StoreFive', 3, 'A3'

    insert account select 'StoreFive', 4, 'A4'

    insert account select 'StoreFive', 5, 'A5'

    ;with ViewAccount as (

    select Accountname, Booknumber, Bookname, ROW_NUMBER() over (order by Accountname, Booknumber, Bookname) as rownum from Account


    select case when (curr.Accountname next.AccountName) or curr.rownum = 1 then curr.AccountName else '' end, curr.Booknumber, curr.Bookname, curr.rownum

    from ViewAccount curr

    left join ViewAccount next on curr.rownum = next.rownum + 1


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    Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 2 - Dynamic Cross Tabs -
    Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 1) -
    Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 2) -

  • Thanks, Guys! I went with slange's suggestion first and it works great. THANK YOU!!!!

  • Thanks for the update and glad it's working.

  • My solution has a simpler execution plan and lower query cost so it might perform faster. But of course both them work and it's your call. 🙂

    [font="Verdana"]Nothing is impossible.
    It is just a matter of time and money.[/font]

  • JacekO (4/16/2009)

    My solution has a simpler execution plan and lower query cost so it might perform faster. But of course both them work and it's your call. 🙂

    I agree. The only thing he might need to change is the order by so it is the order he wanted. Yours is much simpler. I definitely learned something from your approach. Thanks! :smooooth:


    Need help? Help us help you.

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    Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 2 - Dynamic Cross Tabs -
    Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 1) -
    Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 2) -

  • Yours is much simpler.

    Probably but not necessary. I think it looks simpler. 😀

    But looks could be deceiving.

    Remember we worked with a much simpler table then the final request. I think he needs to deal with 10 columns not 3 and I think he wants to hide 5 of them. So I would like to see the final code. Maybe josh.roy can compare both methods on his live data and show us the performance difference...

    [font="Verdana"]Nothing is impossible.
    It is just a matter of time and money.[/font]

  • Jacek, I will try your next for sure! Here is the code with Slanges suggestion. This script is for a developer here in my office, so i just made the temp table all varchars, and he can adjust accordingly.

    set transaction isolation level read uncommitted

    create table temp1


    companyIDvarchar (255),



    officeidvarchar (255),

    OfcClaimMaskvarchar (255),

    OfcTINMaskvarchar (255),


    udfidnovarchar (255),


    UDFNamevarchar (255),

    RequiredFieldvarchar (255),

    UDFFormatvarchar (255),

    textmaxlengthvarchar (255),

    textmaskvarchar (255),

    textenforcelength varchar (255),

    restrictrangevarchar (255),

    datestartvarchar (25),



    insert into TEMP1

    select distinct

    pc.companyName as 'Company Name',

    pc.companyID as 'Database Company ID',

    po.ofcNo as 'Office Number',

    po.ofcName as 'Office Name',

    po.officeid as 'Database Office ID',


    WHEN Len(po.ofcClaimMask) = 0 THEN 'None'

    WHEN po.ofcClaimMask is null THEN 'None'

    ELSE replace(po.ofcClaimMask,'?','a')

    END as 'Office Claim Mask',


    WHEN po.ofcTinMask = '' THEN 'None'

    WHEN po.ofcTinMask is null THEN 'None'

    WHEN rtrim (po.ofcTinMask) = '' THEN 'None'

    WHEN Len(po.ofctinmask) = 0 THEN 'None'

    ELSE po.ofcTinMask

    END as 'Office TIN Mask',


    WHEN po.ofcEdits = 0 THEN 'Claim Mask Disabled - TIN Mask Disabled'

    WHEN po.ofcEdits = 1 THEN 'Claim Mask Enabled - TIN Mask Disabled'

    WHEN po.ofcEdits = 2 THEN 'Claim Mask Disabled - TIN Mask Enabled'

    WHEN po.ofcEdits = 3 THEN 'Claim Mask Enabled - TIN Mask Enabled'

    END as 'Claim / TIN MASK Enforced',

    ul.udfidno as 'UDF #',


    WHEN ScreenType = 1 THEN 'Bill'

    WHEN ScreenType = 2 THEN 'Claim'

    WHEN ScreenType = 3 THEN 'Claimant'

    WHEN ScreenType = 4 THEN 'Provider'

    END as 'UDF Type',

    ul.udfname as 'UDF Name',


    WHEN RequiredField = 0 THEN 'Disabled'

    WHEN RequiredField = 1 THEN 'Enabled'

    END as 'Required Field',


    WHEN DataFormat = 1 THEN 'Currency'

    WHEN DataFormat = 2 THEN 'Date/Time'

    WHEN DataFormat = 3 THEN 'List'

    WHEN DataFormat = 4 THEN 'Number'

    WHEN DataFormat = 5 THEN 'Text'

    WHEN DataFormat = 6 THEN 'Checkbox'

    END as 'UDF Format',

    ul.textmaxlength as 'Max Length',

    ul.textmask as 'Mask Structure',


    WHEN ul.textenforcelength = 0 THEN 'Disabled'

    WHEN ul.textEnforceLength = 1 THEN 'Enabled'

    END as 'Enforce Mask Length',


    WHEN ul.restrictrange = 0 THEN 'Disabled'

    WHEN ul.restrictRange = 1 THEN 'Enabled'

    END as 'Restrict Range',

    convert(varchar(25), ul.minvaldate, 110) as 'Date Range Start',

    convert(varchar(25), ul.maxvaldate, 110) as 'Date Range End'

    from udflibrary ul

    JOIN prf_officeUdf pu on pu.udfidno = ul.udfidno

    JOIN prf_office po on po.officeid = pu.officeid

    join prf_company pc on pc.companyId = po.companyid

    where po.officeid in (select officeid from prf_office)

    order by pc.companyid, po.officeid

    ;with ViewTEMP1 as (select CompanyName




















    OVER (order by CompanyName


















    ,dateend) AS rownum from TEMP1)

    select case when (curr.CompanyName next.CompanyName) or curr.rownum = 1 then curr.CompanyName else '' end as 'Company Name'

    ,case when (curr.companyID next.companyID) or curr.rownum = 1 then curr.companyID else '' end as 'Database Company ID'

    ,case when (curr.ofcNo next.ofcNo) or curr.rownum = 1 then curr.ofcNo else '' end as 'Office Number'

    ,case when (curr.ofcName next.OfcName) or curr.rownum = 1 then curr.ofcName else '' end as 'Office Name'

    ,case when (curr.officeid next.officeid) or curr.rownum = 1 then curr.officeid else ' ' end as 'Office ID'















    from ViewTEMP1 curr

    left join ViewTEMP1 next on curr.rownum = next.rownum + 1

    drop table TEMP1

  • Hi Guys,

    I've hit a bit of a snafu with this one. The script will need to be executed against 2000 servers as well, so the ROW_NUMBER() function will not work. What solution do you recommend for the script I previously posted?


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