need help

  • I have a table as below


    State City

    KA Bang

    KA Mang

    KA Srng

    MH Dand

    MH Than

    DL Vijn

    DL Agra

    I need to show output as

    State City

    KA Bang,Man,Srng

    MH Dand,Than

    DL Vijn,Agra

    Thanks in advance.

  • The standard way is something like the following:


    , Stuff(

    (SELECT ', ' + City

    FROM Table1 AS t2

    WHERE t1.[State] = t2.[State]

    ORDER BY City

    FOR XML PATH('')


    , 1 -- start position

    , 2 -- number of characters

    , '' -- replacement string

    ) AS Cities

    FROM Table1 AS t1

    Of course, this has to scan Table1 twice, so if you have a table that already contains distinct states, it would be better to use that for the outer query.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

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