Need FTP help in DTS Programming

  • I have to download a file from remote server using http://FTP.  The problem with DTS FTP task is that it succeeds even if file is not on server OR username and password are incorrect OR URL is incorrect.  I want two things to check before I use DTS FTP task. 

    1) To check if connection can be established to remote server

    2) To check if required file is in the specified directory

    If some one has some idea of how this could be achieve using ActiveX script or SQL task, please help me.




  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Take a look at the SQLDTSFTP Custom FTP task at

    I haven't completely reviewed all the features, but it does provide a more complete interface to FTP. It may resolve at least some of your issues.


  • I finally used ActiveX script to achieve my goals.

    Function Main()

     Dim remoteURL, username, password, transferMode, localDir, remoteDir, remoteFile

     Dim fso, ftpscrfileName, ftpscrfileDir, scriptscr, ftpscrfile

     Dim ReturnCode, Ouput

     Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

     ftpscrfileDir = "C:\"

     ftpscrfileName = ftpscrfileDir & "file.txt"


     If not fso.FileExists( ftpscrfileName ) Then

      fso.CreateTextFile( ftpscrfileName )

     End If


     Set ftpscrfile = fso.OpenTextFile(ftpscrfileName, 2, True)


     remoteURL = ""

     username = "abc"

     password = "xyz"

     transferMode = "bin"  '-------asc (ascii) /bin (binary)

     localDir = "C:\"

     remoteDir = "CRU/" 'use "" if no directory

     remoteFile = "afile.xls"


     scriptscr = "open "& remoteURL & vbcrlf &_

      username & vbcrlf &_

      password & vbcrlf &_

      transferMode &vbcrlf &_

      "lcd "& localDir & vbcrlf &_

      "GET "& remoteDir &""& remoteFile & vbcrlf &_



     ftpscrfile.write scriptscr


     set oShell = CreateObject("")


     Set oExec = oShell.Exec("ftp -s:"& ftpscrfileName)



     set Output = oExec.stdOut

     strOutput = Output.ReadAll()


     if InStr(strOutput, "Unknown host") > 0 Then

      MsgBox "Unknown host: "&remoteURL

      'Event notification goes here

      Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Failure

     ElseIf InStr(strOutput, "No such file or directory") > 0 Then

      MsgBox remoteDir & "" & remoteFile &": No such file or directory"

      'Event Notification goes here

      Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Failure 


      If Not oExec.StdErr.AtEndOfStream Then

                ReturnCode = "STDERR: " + oExec.StdErr.ReadAll


       ReturnCode = -1

      End If

      If -1 = ReturnCode Then

       Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success


       MsgBox ReturnCode

       'Event notification goes here

       Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Failure

      End If

     End If

    End Function

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