Need Expression for how to show message when one column is null

  • Hello,

    I have a report where I am trying to show message on the top of header

    Requirement is I have a report where its group with system name.

    when I select ALL in the parameter it will get all the records grouped with system name.

    Now I want to show message like if there is no data in first page or 3 page I want to show message like "NO DATA AVAILABLE"

    but I am checking like if systemid column has empty I want to show this message but this expression is not working any help...

    How to check the null values in database

    In the active report it was there like this



    No data available

    This is SSRS report how to do it here?

    =IIF((First(Fields!SystemID.IsMissing, "DataSet_M"))= "", "No Data Found", Nothing)


  • You can check the number of rows returned:

    =iif(countrows()=0,"no data", "some data")

    but that is for the whole query. Is that what you want?

  • No,I don't want to check for all the rows

    The problem here is that its grouping with system name

    we will get page wise right one page have data and one page may have not data

    IF one page has data that's fine if another page is not having data(then I want to show the message)

    Is there any property like is missing or anything.

    I want to check for systemid that column is null for that page..

  • You can use:

    =IIF(IsNothing((First(Fields!SystemID.Value, "DataSet_M"))), "No Data Found", Nothing)

    I'm not positive i have all the parenthesis right, but IsNothing is the function you are looking for.

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