Need Date function...

  • Does anyone have some code that will return a value corresponding to the number of Monday's in a month?

    We have a business process that requires this value.  For example for May 2004, the value returned would be 5.


    Rob P.






    When the snows fall and the white winds blow,The lone wolf dies but the pack survives.

    Once you've accepted your flaws, no one can use them against you.

  • You can try this. There is a more efficient way by doing the same to find the first monday and then, instead of adding 1 day, add 7 days/1 week, until your month changes, but I don't have time now to work this out.

    Hope it helps,



    -- Declare and set the required month and year

    DECLARE @Month INT


    SELECT @Month = 5

    SELECT @Year = 2004

    -- Calculation starts here. You can move this in a function or SP

    SET DATEFIRST 1 -- Set First day of week to Monday



    DECLARE @Counter INT

    SELECT @Day = 1

    SELECT @Counter = 0

    -- Set up the first day of the month

    SELECT @Date = CONVERT(DATETIME, CONVERT(VARCHAR(4),@Year) + RIGHT('00' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(2), @Month), 2) + RIGHT('00' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(2), @Day), 2))

    WHILE Month(@Date) = @Month


     IF DATEPART(dw,@Date) = 1 -- Is this a monday?

      SELECT @Counter = @Counter + 1

     SELECT @Date = DATEADD(dd,1,@Date) -- Set next date)


    SELECT @Counter AS 'Number of Mondays'

  • Hi,

    The following is pretty efficient...

    FYI there are 52178 mondays in this millenium ( <3 sec to calculate ).

    declare @yr int, @mth int

    select @yr = 2004, @mth = 5

    declare @startday datetime, @endday datetime, @weekday int, @wdcnt int

    set @startday = convert(datetime,ltrim(@yr)+case when @mth < 10 then '0' else '' end+ltrim(@mth)+'01')

    set @endday = dateadd(month,1,@startday)

    set @weekday = 2 -- assumes mondays 2'nd day of week

    set @wdcnt = 0

    while( @startday < @endday )


     select  @wdcnt = @wdcnt + case when datepart(weekday,@startday) = @weekday then 1 else 0 end,

      @startday = @startday + 1


    -- How many weekdays #2 do we have ?

    select @wdcnt as my_mondays


    You must unlearn what You have learnt

  • This function takes rockmoose's post one more step further (more of an internationalized step). You may not need to go this far, but food for thought.

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.GetDayOccurance (

     @day TINYINT,

     @yr  INTEGER,

     @mth INTEGER







     DECLARE @weekDay  INTEGER

     DECLARE @weekDayCnt INTEGER

     DECLARE @frstDay  INTEGER



     DECLARE @tues   TINYINT

     DECLARE @weds   TINYINT

     DECLARE @thur   TINYINT



     -- Check to see what the first day of the week is

     SET @frstDay = @@DATEFIRST

     IF @frstDay = 1


      SET @sun = 7

      SET @mon = 1

      SET @tues = 2

      SET @weds = 3

      SET @thur = 4

      SET @fri = 5

      SET @sat = 6


     ELSE IF @frstDay = 2


      SET @sun = 6

      SET @mon = 7

      SET @tues = 1

      SET @weds = 2

      SET @thur = 3

      SET @fri = 4

      SET @sat = 5


     ELSE IF @frstDay = 3


      SET @sun = 5

      SET @mon = 6

      SET @tues = 7

      SET @weds = 1

      SET @thur = 2

      SET @fri = 3

      SET @sat = 4


     ELSE IF @frstDay = 4


      SET @sun = 4

      SET @mon = 5

      SET @tues = 6

      SET @weds = 7

      SET @thur = 1

      SET @fri = 2

      SET @sat = 3


     ELSE IF @frstDay = 5


      SET @sun = 3

      SET @mon = 4

      SET @tues = 5

      SET @weds = 6

      SET @thur = 7

      SET @fri = 1

      SET @sat = 2


     ELSE IF @frstDay = 6


      SET @sun = 2

      SET @mon = 3

      SET @tues = 4

      SET @weds = 5

      SET @thur = 6

      SET @fri = 7

      SET @sat = 1


     ELSE IF @frstDay = 7


      SET @sun = 1

      SET @mon = 2

      SET @tues = 3

      SET @weds = 4

      SET @thur = 5

      SET @fri = 6

      SET @sat = 7


     SET @strtDay = CONVERT(DATETIME, LTRIM(@yr) +


                          WHEN @mth < 10 THEN '0'

                          ELSE ''

                        END + LTRIM(@mth) + '01')

     SET @endDay = DATEADD(MONTH, 1, @strtDay)

     /* @day is based on the week days being numbered

           Sunday = 1, Monday = 2, Tuesday = 3, Wednesday = 4

           Thursday = 5, Friday = 6, Saturday = 7 */

     IF @day = 1

      SET @weekDay = @sun

     IF @day = 2

      SET @weekDay = @mon

     IF @day = 3

      SET @weekDay = @tues

     IF @day = 4

      SET @weekDay = @weds

     IF @day = 5

      SET @weekDay = @thur

     IF @day = 6

      SET @weekDay = @fri

     IF @day = 7

      SET @weekDay = @sat

     SET @weekDayCnt = 0

     WHILE (@strtDay < @endDay)


      SELECT @weekDayCnt = @weekDayCnt + CASE

                                    WHEN DATEPART(WEEKDAY, @strtDay) = @weekDay THEN 1

                                    ELSE 0

                                  END, @strtDay = @strtDay + 1





  • Thanks for the Quick excellent response. 

    Here is another Haiku in gratitude.

    A Phoenix arose

    from my grandfather's ashes

    "Got a light?", it said


    When the snows fall and the white winds blow,The lone wolf dies but the pack survives.

    Once you've accepted your flaws, no one can use them against you.

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