Need comparison details between Veritas Agent for MS SQL Server and SQL litepeed

  • Does anyone have comparison details of Veritas Agent for MS SQL Server and SQL litepeed ?  I am looking mainly on compression level. Does veritas Agent for MS SQL Server shrink SQL database backup file like SQL litespeed?

    Any information on this will be very helpful

    thanks in adavance.


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  • I don't think both are same and I never used Veritas for sql server. Based my readings both software work differently and they has their own pros and cons..

    You can go to veritas website and Litespeed (quest) website and get the info for complete comparision...


    Then folloiwng comment is from veritas:

    Ensure business-critical databases and e-business data are protected in the event of application or hardware-based corruption or loss. This agent provides SQL Server 7.0 and 2000 users granular protection on 32 and 64-bit systems down to the individual database or filegroup. Execute differential backups as well as Transaction Log backups with automatic truncation. Restore with one-pass recovery of the last full and any subsequent backup as a single restore job or perform "rollback restores", enabling a database to be recovered to a specific moment in time, rather than a specific restore point based on the last backup job. Multi-pipe and Virtual Device Interface (VDI) support gives users the most dependable and fastest method available for complete SQL Server protection.

    Microsoft SQL Server MVP

  • as I understand it, SQL Lite speed uses the updated SQL Server API's to create a standard SQL Server backup, abiet much faster, because the TSQL/Enterprise Manager backup commands use an older, slower API for backwards compatibility.

    It's been a while since I used Veritas, because you had to purchase a separate extra SQL module, but as i remember it it took a backup of the ,MDF and .LDF files and saved them in it's own backup file for restoratino from within  Veritas. the extra module was so that it could get the mdf's while they were open/in use.



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