need a little help with my convert statement of DATETIME TO DATE

  • Hello,

    I have made a view which I am selecting records from 9 tables, one of which is a DATETIME field. In the crystal reports report that I am making I don't need to see the time so I have tried to covert the field in my sql select statement with out any luck.  I am using crystal 9.0 which doesn't allow me to change the data type within least I haven't figured out a good way to do it

    here is what I have





    convert(date,booking.book_date, 101)

    ** this is where i need help **

    I want the format to be MM/DD/YYYY


    table 1

    table 2

    I know this isnt' right but if someone could give me a little help I would appreciate it...I really can't find anything specific on google that has helped me so far

    Thanks in advance


  • Hi Lee,

    Try this

    select convert(char(10), booking.book_date,101) from TableName

    Have Fun


    We need men who can dream of things that never were.

  • Is there a way to get it to stay as a date or datetime data type ?


    The reason  I ask is because I need that field in a crystal report which will be used a date range parameter.


    In the older versions of crystal reports they allowed for you to take a datetime field in crystal and convert it to just you could use it as a parameter for date range.


    In crystal 9.0 it doesn't have that option when you use the parameter function of crystal you have to enter the date and also the time which would be an inconvience to my users using this report.


    Thanks for the reply,



  • Hi Lee,

    Not really spent much time with Crystal 9. Can you not allow the users to enter a normal dd/mm/yyy format as a string variable and convert it silently behind the scenes, adding the hh/mm/ss before you do any processing against it?

    There are a couple of other threads you should have a look at:


    If you head for the main page here

    and do a search on 'format date' or 'convert date' there are loads of threads on this problem.

    Have fun


    We need men who can dream of things that never were.

  • Lee,

    To answer your question "Is there any way to keep it as a date or datetime value?" - No. In SQL Server there isn't a DATE datatype only DATETIME and that requires both a date and time. If one is missing SQL Server will add the default.

    Now you could store the DATE with the default time, which is 00:00:00.000. Then every datetime will have the same time.

    That might do what you need.


  • Another solution and one that I use:

    Create a stored procedure on SQL Server that does what you want. Make sure it has the variables you want entered via Crystal Reports. Then provide the user access to the stored procedure (the same way you give them access to a table).

    Then make a report that shows what you want and provide it to the users. When they run the report it will ask for the parameters.


  • SQLBill,


    Thank you for the replies...I did get it to work finally within crystal.  I finally found the option that allows you to convert datetime fields to just date. 

    Me being new to both sql and crystal I didn't realize that it was just datetime and that you couldn't store it as date


    it makes total sense to me now !!!  Maybe when I get a little time under my belt I can tackle stored procedures


    Thank you to all of you who offered advice I do appreciate it



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