March 2, 2014 at 11:00 am
mick burden (3/2/2014)
MickyT, can you explainUPDATE POSTCODESTEST SET Location = Geography::Point(Latitude, longitude, 4326)
especially 4326, also how to convert your code into a working SP please
The 4326 reference is the SRID. This stands for Spatial Reference Identifier. The Geography data type requires that a SRID is specified, so that it can determine distances and areas accurately.
I picked 4326 (WGS84) as this is the most common of the projections and what most(all) GPS units work on.
To get a list of valid SRIDs for a geography
select * from sys.spatial_reference_systems where spatial_reference_id = 4326
When doing spatial operations, your Geographies must have the same SRID.
As far as a procedure to do a nearest neighbour and assuming you have created a Geography column, this should do the trick
CREATE PROCEDURE findNearestPostcode(@Lat Float, @Long Float)
-- Create the search point
DECLARE @Search Geography = Geography::Point(@Lat,@Long,4326)
-- Select the nearest postcode
SELECT TOP 1 Postcode, Location.STDistance(@Search) DistanceMetres, Location.STDistance(@Search) / 0.3048 DistanceFeet
WHERE Location.STDistance(@Search) is not null
ORDER BY Location.STDistance(@Search)
March 3, 2014 at 11:25 am
That's great mickyT, thank you and everyone else for your help in this as well as your patience
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