Naming Excel Worksheets Issues

  • Hi,

    I am using the SSRS 2008 R2 which has the feature of Naming Excel Worksheets. But its not working properly. I have followed the steps mentioned in msdn. Still its not working. Is there any other feature that I need to enable to use this functionality?

    Thanks In Advance,



  • Can you post the MSDN link so that we know what you're talking about? Seriously, pretend that you know anything about your problem, read the question you posted, and try to figure out what you're talking about.

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

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    Understanding and Using APPLY Part 1 & Part 2

  • Oops.. I tried the following link to implement the same. But it did not work as expected.


  • Hi, the renaming of excel worksheets is quite straigtforward. Do you have groups in your report? and do they have a page break between them?

    All you need to do is change the 'pagename ' property for the group to the field name you want for the worksheet.

  • Even I thought so. It has groups and I have given page breaks after each group. While writing in the excel file it is also creating the sheets but the sheet names are not as expected. Its giving Sheet1, sheet2 etc.


  • When you view the report in bids do you have a separate page for each group?

    The field you are using for the groupname place it in the group header, does this now show the correct value for the group ?

  • yes, it does. Thats what I tried when the sheet renaming did not work. Did you change any setting to enable this feature. Even I downloaded the sample report that was there in the msdn site. Its also not working in my system!!!


  • Which sample report did you use?

    I should have read the blog! i will check it out.

  • I have tried the Product Catalog 2008 report and the renaming does work except for the second page which is to do with document map and the pictures on the first page. The sheet renaming of the Catalogues does work. I think it must be the report but if the sample is not working then I don't really know what it is the cause. It might be worth trying the sample report again to see if you can get it to work.

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